A new study revealed that there might be a far worse killer than cancer in the world. According to this study, sepsis kills more than cancer all over the world.
New research has demonstrated that salt can be used to kill cancer cells with minimal side effects.
Living longer and healthier is possible when you avoid unhealthy lifestyle practices. There are also simple and enjoyable pastimes that can help you achieve longevity goals.
CAR-T cell therapy can cause some major side effects.
Acid reflux medicines prescribed to breast cancer patients may have side effects like poorer memory and concentration.
Symptoms of cancer hugely vary and oftentimes depend on the location where cancer developed, as well as the areas it has affected in the body. One area of the body that is often overlooked is the nose. Your nose can show three symptoms that may indicate a deadly cancer type.
A new paper suggests that these diseases can transfer from one body to another through microbiomes.
A new study points out that cardiovascular disease risk among childhood cancer survivors has been declining.
Scientists find powerhouses that fight tumours from within
Pancreatic cancer may not be very common as lung cancer or bowel cancer, but it is also one of those that you must be aware of. One of the symptoms of this kind of cancer is shown in the color of your pee.
A new study pointed out the factors pertaining to bone loss in cancer patients and suggests drugs that can treat it.
Do you know that the kind of cough that you have could signal the existence of lung cancer? A cough that lasts for a long time is a warning sign of the possibility of lung cancer.
The statistics of bowel cancer has become appalling. Most of the time, the condition worsens because of the failure of the patients to detect symptoms at the earliest. One of the symptoms that you must be aware of concerns a lump in a certain of your body.
Lung cancer is a dreadful disease that kills millions of people worldwide. The World Health Organization revealed that lung cancer kills more patients compared to any other type of cancer. The health body also said that unless greater tobacco control is implemented globally, this trend will last until 2030.
A new study may be giving home to many cancer patients in the US. As per the study, the rates of cancer have declined in the country.
Noticing abdominal swelling could be an indication of colorectal cancer.
Cancer is a life-threatening illness characterized by the uncontrollable growth of rogue cells that attack and destroy healthy tissues nearby. The World Health Organization has revealed that about one in five males and one in six females worldwide are likely to develop a type of cancer in their lifetime.
One of the most common cancer types in the UK is bowel cancer. Like other cancer conditions, the survival of the patient largely depends on the stage and type. There is good news though as a recent study suggests taking a particular medication daily could greatly help in lowering your risk of developing this deadly disease.
The number of individuals all over the world suffering from lung cancer is slowly increasing. An important aspect of the treatment of the disease is early detection of symptoms. A characteristic of a cough could signal the disease.
Noticing a dull ache in a certain body part could indicate testicular cancer.
Scientists have discovered a new gene-editing method that appears promising in treating chronic pain patients.
A woman’s chickenpox scar turned into a hideous skin cancer and it occurred 30 years after she had her chickenpox. The cancer changed her beautiful face forever.