Apple iCloud debut, questions remain unanswered

iCloud Banner at Apple WWDC, San Francisco
The newly announced iCloud is puffing up the expectation for mroe popular and user-friendly cloud service. For those of us who may not see the loopholes, here are some questions that remain unanswered. You may want to consider before jumping into iCloud, and answer for me if possible.
Steve Jobs talks about the iCloud service at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco

Will iCloud be the next target of hackers?

Are you sure you want to entrust your digital assets to the cloud? You may want to ask the hackers, who have dominated the news with their successes in hacking Sony, Amazon and Google.
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WWDC 2011

Apple set to answer all iCloud anticipations

Apple had kept the market in mystery by not revealing the details of ‘ the upcoming cloud service offering’, since the announcement of unveiling Lion, iOS 5, iCloud in the press release.
Gopalakrishnan, chief executive of Infosys Technologies, speaks during the announcement of company's quarterly financial results in Bangalore

Infosys enters cloud arena

India’s second largest IT company Infosys has announced to adopt the cloud technology as a part of its Infosys 3.0 transformation

3 Reasons why Apple iCloud is not great?

Apple for a change has turned its back on its secretive ways and has openly confessed, prior to its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), that it will be launching its highly anticipated cloud offering- iCloud.

iCloud launch: Steve Jobs to steal thunder at WWDC 2011

Apple CEO Steve Jobs will shake off medical leave slumber to appear at the Worldwide Developers' Conference (WWDC 2011) in San Francisco on June 6 to unveil the latest version of Mac OS X, or the Lion, and the iCloud Music streaming service. The confirmation by Apple that Jobs will make the keynote address on the opening day of WWDC 2011 brought cheer to millions of Apple investors.

Amazon Relaunches Lady Gaga Born This Way Offer

Amazon said it will offer a repeat of Monday's blockbuster Gold Box Deal of the Day under which customers can purchase the Lady Gaga Born This Way MP3 album today for $0.99 and get 20 GB of free Amazon Cloud Drive storage.
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German cloud company Zimory eyes U.S. listing

Zimory GmbH, a Berlin-based cloud computing company, is looking at listing its shares in the United States in 2013, its CEO said, potentially joining a wave of market newcomers in a hot sector that has also sparked a flurry of deals involving some of the biggest technology names.
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Toyota cars to be driver's friend in social network service

Toyota Motor Corp and cloud computing company Inc will build a social network service that will enable owners to become friends with their cars and get friendly, tweet-like reminders for maintenance checks and other notices.

Apple moves closer to the cloud

After reaching agreements with four major record labels to stream music on the Internet, Apple prepares its move into the cloud.

Google fixing Android leak

Google is on its way to fix the vulnerability issue with Android phones that could have exposed users' personal data.


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