Experts said radiation inside the reactor had reached "unimaginable" levels.
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An earthquake measuring 7.9-magnitude struck 25 miles west of Panguna in Papua New Guinea, the United States Geological Survey said Sunday.
About four earthquakes of 5.2-magnitude and higher hit near the hill town of Amatrice in a space of only four hours, some 60 miles north-east of Rome.
Small earthquakes are common in southeast Cuba. However, Tuesday's quake was stronger than usual.
The quake, which had its epicenter in the Celebes Sea, was around 390 miles in depth.
German reinsurance giant Munich Re Group said Wednesday natural disasters caused $175 billion worth of damages in 2016.
The tremor struck 176 miles south of Fiji. No damage or casualties were initially reported.
The earthquakes hit in a zone that could have triggered major devastation in big population areas like Los Angeles.
Within the last 10 days, areas near Lake Tahoe have experienced eight earthquakes reaching magnitude 3.0 or higher.
The U.S. Geological Survey said three earthquakes, measuring between magnitudes 5.7 and 5.5, hit in the early hours of Wednesday.
Officials have issued evacuation warnings in coastal areas in the southern part of the country following the earthquake.
The state experiences an average of 2 1/2 earthquakes of a magnitude 3 or greater every day.
The considerably mild earthquake lasted for 15 seconds.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that hazardous tsunami waves are possible within the next three hours along some coasts in the South Pacific.
Thursday's 6.5-magnitute earthquake in Northern California came as analysts discussed the possibility of a larger, more devastating quake.
The epicenter was more than 100 miles west of Ferndale, California.
A 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Aceh Province Wednesday, killing at least 97 people.
Rescue efforts are underway to dig out survivors of the tremor.
A one-of-a-kind LaFerrari hypercar sold this weekend was this century’s most expensive car ever sold at auction--and for a good cause.
Regions with flat faults are more likely than those with curvy faults to experience earthquakes of magnitude 8.5 or higher, a new study has revealed.
Clusters of earthquakes in western Canada were caused by fracking, a new study found.