According to a spokesman for the Windsor Fire Department, the fire was brought under control two hours after it started.
Earth saves us from incoming meteors by blowing them up from the inside out.
Ayaked Ullah was taken into custody after an explosion at 42nd Street and 8th Avenue in New York City.
Swat team reportedly arrived at the scene and emergency personnel also responded.
The 44 crew members on board the missing Argentine submarine ARA San Juan were likely killed by an explosion, officials said.
An Argentine Navy spokesperson called the noise from ARA San Juan a "hydro-acoustic anomaly.”
Scientists thought this star died in the 1950s but it came back to life and exploded in another supernova, shocking researchers.
A SpaceX rocket engine exploded on Sunday during testing at the McGregor, Texas facility.
At least six people were seriously injured and one person was "unaccounted for" in the explosion of the rig located near the Treasure Chest Casino.
A meteor exploded in a fireball in the sky over China while villagers were gazing up at the full moon and celebrating their mid-autumn festival.
It's on the internet. It has to be real — not.
Following a power outage triggered by Hurricane Harvey on Sunday, volatile chemicals in the plant could explode anytime due to the lack of cold storage.
Following the disappointing turn of events after the launch of the Note 7 last year, Samsung has decided not to use ATL batteries for the upcoming Galaxy Note 8.
This little star might have survived a supernova explosion, but the blast sent it flying through the Milky Way galaxy.
The supernova, observed first on May 23, is unusual for its composition of heavier elements, as well as for its location in a large spiral galaxy only 420 million light-years away.
Samsung remains ginger with its battery specs, even while releasing the updated Galaxy Note 7 and the upcoming Galaxy Note 8.
The explosion at the Andino shopping center, Bogota, Colombia has been ruled a terrorist attack by the authorities.
Video footage showed people lying on the ground, some with their clothes torn off and others soaked in their own blood.
The Galaxy Note FE will have most of the features loved on the original Galaxy Note 7, including its pretty colors.
Events on Earth like tornadoes and earthquakes are nothing compared to the dangers of our solar system, our galaxy and our universe.
Several leaks suggest Samsung may backtrack on its dual-edge display trend.
A star suffered an epic fail when it quietly collapsed into a black hole instead of exploding in a brilliant supernova.