Former New Jersey Gov. Tom Kean claims that history is working against Christie's chances for 2016, but the truth is more complicated.
A new art exhibit turns microbes from unmentionable places into dairy products.
Scott Greer Bybee, 26, reportedly walked into the courtyard of the Las Vegas Mormon Temple and fatally shot himself Tuesday night.
Because Crossroads GPS is free to withhold information on its donors, we may never know who contributed eight figures or more to 2012 Republican campaigns.
That a global Human Rights Council can welcome such human rights abusers with open arms not defies logic
Shaukat served as both Prime Minister and finance minister of Pakistan.
Will large swaths of the Jewish community find this offensive?
Dean Baker, The Guardian's economist, argues that Alan Greenspan owes America an apology for causing the entire financial crisis of 2008. Really?
Conservative Twitter users turned their ire on Republicans, led by Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who voted for the debt deal.
Forget the Republican and Democratic parties. Americans want another option: a third party.
The couple has been friends with George H.W. Bush and his wife Barbara for nearly 12 years.
Ahead of the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the National Park Foundation announced it had secured $40m for the Flight 93 National Memorial.
Five years after the TARP program started, Washington has collected about half of what it's owed and yet has nearly broken even.
Intra-party struggles between the interventionists and isolationists in the GOP make the Syria question particularly tough for Republicans.
U.S. intelligence agencies are still in the dark on what role Bashar Assad played in the chemical attack near Damascus.
William T. Woodward's attorneys say he faced constant threats from the neighbors he killed, which justifies his pre-emptive attack.
“I’ve never heard of someone declaring a military strike and then going off to talk about it,” one mystified Syrian said.
The bad news for Democrats is that if the election was today: they'd lose 10-14 House seats. The good news: the election is not today.
The killing of an Aussie student by “bored” teenagers in Oklahoma has dominated news coverage in Australia for days.
Musharraf could face the death penalty if convicted.
The comings and goings of the Federal Open Market Committee could confuse markets about the direction of Fed policy.
Obama's approval rating among Americans has tended to decline during summer months -- like some other recent presidents.