Apple used a dual-core A5 processor, which is used in the iPad 2, making the new device twice as powerful as the iPhone 4. The new chip also makes the iPhone 4S seven times faster, compared to its predecessor, when it comes to processing graphics.
Apple has released its new iOS 5 for the iPhone, iPad and iPod. The beta version of the new operating system has been out for a few weeks, allowing jailbreak developers time to study the best ways to do their thing.
California Gov. Jerry Brown has declared this Sunday as Steve Jobs day in his home state of California, the same day when Apple is holding a memorial service for its late co-founder and former CEO at Stanford University.
Apple has sent out invitations for a private memorial to be held at Stanford University's campus Sunday evening. The invitees are some of the most influential people in Silicon Valley and people close to Jobs.
It's never too long after a new operating system rolls out that tech wizzes figure out how to jailbreak devices. Here's how to use a popular jailbreak tool, redsn0w, to jailbreak all devices running iOS 5, including the iPad, the iPod, and the iPhones 4 and 3GS, in 10 easy steps.
All indications are that the most qualified guesses about the Apple iPhone 5 -- which were made before the company's Let's talk iPhone event earlier this month, when the iPhone 4S was unveiled and not the iPhone 5 -- may have been right.
A supply chain analysis done by Susquehanna Financial analyst Jeff Fidacaro suggests that Apple has pushed iPad 3 into production, AllThingsD reported.
A U.S. judge has stated that Samsung's Galaxy tablets breach Apple Inc's iPad patents, but added that Apple has a problem establishing the validity of its patents in the latest courtroom face-off between the technology giants.
Apple is making it easier for its smartphone users to locate their iPhones and other missing iOS devices through the Find My iPhone app. On Wednesday, Apple rolled out a new version of its operating system, iOS 5, along with iCloud and Mac OS X 10.7.2.
John Stuart has been chained to his BlackBerry for years, first as a systems manager for Wall Street bank Morgan Stanley and then as chief information officer for Beverly Hills Wealth Management.
A key battle in the smartphone patent wars may come down to underpants for toddlers. Well, at least, a case involving underpants for toddlers.
Ellen Barkin really, really likes Twitter.
Apple finally released its highly anticipated iPhone 4S on Oct. 14, which comes with its new iOS 5 operating system and some 200 new features. The iPhone 4S also includes Siri voice control, Reminders and more.
The iPhone 4S was unveiled to the public on Oct. 14. But what does Apple have in store next -- the iPad 3 or the iPad Mini?
Apple's release of the iOS 5 couldn't have been at a more perfect time when RIM BlackBerry is having major outage problems. And with the new iMessage feature on iOS5 RIM could take another hit.
What makes the iPhone 4S the best iPhone yet? We've played with it, and now it's time to discover what the hype is about.
A U.S. judge said that Samsung Electronic's Galaxy tablets infringe Apple Inc's iPad patents, but added that Apple has a problem establishing the validity of its patents in the latest courtroom face-off between the technology giants.
Samsung Electronics said on Friday that it planned to unveil a new smartphone based on Google's latest version of the Android operating system at an event in Hong Kong on Oct. 19.
Apple may sell as many as 4 million iPhone 4S units this weekend, and that bodes well for the company's shares, to say the least.
A Dutch court on Friday turned down Samsung Electronics' request for an injunction against all of Apple's mobile products that use 3G telecommunications technology, denying it revenge over a similar move by Apple.The two technology giants have been lo
The iPad 3 is rumored to be headed for production, according to AllThingsD, with a release date set for some time in early 2012.
Apple released its newest, most advanced operating system iOS 5 on Wednesday. The early rush of overwhelming number users trying to upgrade to iOS 5 resulted in glitches including hour-long waits and cancelled updates.