Apple introduced, Wednesday, its third generation tablet officially named “the new iPad,” which will go on sale from March 16. The new tablet has attracted a lot of attention for its gaming capabilities and is considered as a major threat to gaming consoles.
Apple had unveiled the new iPad on Wednesday March 7 and had announced that device will go public on Friday March 16. However, the latest announcement is that the pre-ordered tablets will not ship for 2-3 weeks as demand for the new tablet has been “off the charts.” So if you’re one of those who want to be among the first to get your hands on Apple’s shiny new toy, get ready to brave the legendary jam-packed crowds at Apple stores this Friday. Or buy the cheaper iPad 2 instead.
Customer response to Apple's new iPad has been off the charts and pre-orders for the next-generation tablet have already sold out. Last Wednesday, Apple unveiled its third-generation iPad, known simply as the new iPad to tech aficionados and customers around the world. Here are 5 things to know and do before the March 16, 2012, release date.
If reports pan out, a buyout by the Time Warner unit could be highly profitable for Mashable founder Peter Cashmore.
Apple claimed that iOS 5.1 contains a number of improvements and bug fixes that include the one affecting battery life on devices running iOS 5. Users, who have already updated to iOS 5.1, claim that they have been experiencing significant improvement in battery life after installing the firmware update.
Researchers at Tel Aviv University have invented a new method to make computer chips which could eventually replace the usage of silicone in the manufacturing process of phones and other devices.
Those who have ignored earlier warnings and upgraded their devices to iOS 5.1 in the past week will be happy to hear that Pod2g is already hard at work on jailbreaking the new software.
When Apple released its iPhone 4S with iOS 5 software in October, one of the biggest shortcomings was battery drain.
Apple fans have a few reasons to be ecstatic over the new iOS 5.1 updates. There's Japanese Siri, a new camera feature on the slide to unlock screen, and much more. The new iPhoto and Photostream updates have been the center of attention for some, but music players and listeners also have reason to make the upgrade.
The field of 68 will be chosen tonight as the college basketball world finds out who'll get a chance to compete for a national championship.
The new highly anticipated iPad is sold out for pre-orders. Demand for the new tablet is off the charts, according to Apple, and shipments for current pre-orders will start shipping from March.19-three days after the tablet's retail launch.
Looking to score a new iPad early? You’re out of luck. Reports are coming in that the new iPad has been sold out, but the most devastating new is the fact that there is a new shipping date for those pre-ordered iPads. The new date is March 19, and there will only be two new iPads per customer, to make sure everyone goes home with something in their hands.
The delay of the Nokia Lumia 900 has come as a big disappointment to Windows Phone 7 fans, who were eagerly waiting to get their hands on what is considered to be the sexiest Windows smartphone ever conceived. The Lumia 900 was scheduled to launch exclusively on AT&T in March, but likely due to the New iPad launching on AT&T in the same month, the decision was made to push back the Lumia 900 release to April 22. A month of waiting for the Lumia 900 could be a problem for some. What should the ne...
Apple has finally introduced the “new iPad,” which will begin shipping from March 19. Apple’s rival – Samsung, on the other hand, has also stretched its Galaxy lineup with two more tablets – Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 and Galaxy Note 10.1. Will the new iPad pose a threat to Samsung tablets or will it be the other way round?
Mark Twain would have been amused by the remarks of new Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) CEO Tim Cook last week when he announced the post-PC era. As Twain observed after reading his obituary, The report of my death was an exaggeration.
As in the case of all gadgets, the next generation iPad has also some plus and minus points and it is advisable that the potential buyers should be aware of them before setting out to buy one. It is also advisable that they should be familiar with the tablet's rivals in the market.
People pre-ordering Apple Inc's
new iPad to avoid the release-day crowds at the company's retail stores will have to wait longer to get their hands on the devices.
On Wednesday, Apple finally unveiled its third-generation iPad, known simply as the new iPad to tech aficionados and customers around the world. The new iPad will officially be released and available to customers on March 16, 2012, globally. But is it worth an upgrade from the iPad 2? Here, we review the two tablets and give a final verdict on whether the new iPad is worth it.
Best Buy is taking pre-orders for the new Apple iPad, but the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus is on sale for $300 through March 10. It's also on Amazon for that price (Wi-Fi only). The question is whether or not to grab the Samsung on sale instead of waiting for the iPad launch.
Sony is said to be readying its Xperia Ion AT&T LTE smartphone for an end of March launch, well before Apple will get around to the iPhone 5 release. If your contract is coming up in the next couple of months, these will certainly be two devices to consider, even if you're not an AT&T customer.
Ending months of rumors and anticipation, Apple has unveiled its New iPad. The company has perhaps done its best to improve the existing features, processor by introducing stunning Retina Display with easy-to-use interface, super fast A5X processor, rock-solid stability and a better camera filled with some revolutionary technology. Apple tried to pack in the New iPad all that you wanted to see. But are they really enough?
Emboldened by their victory in quashing online piracy legislation, U.S. Internet companies are gearing up for a battle over whether consumers should be able to restrict efforts to gather personal data.