Rupert Murdoch

Murdoch Unfit To Run Company: U.K. Lawmakers

Rupert Murdoch is unfit to run a major international company, British lawmakers said on Tuesday, finding him responsible for a culture of illegal phone hacking that has convulsed his News Corporation media empire.
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James Tapke

Dad Locks 12-year-old Daughter In Dog Cage: Was it A Joke?

James Tapke, 41, of Ohio, was sentenced to 30 days in jail for a misdemeanor charge of binding his 12-year-old daughter with duct tape and locking her in a metal dog cage. Tapke claims the incident, dating back to January, was just a joke.
Casey Anthony

Casey Anthony’s Lawyer: Jose Baez Thanks ABC News For Paying $200,000 For Defense

Jose Baez, who was the lead attorney for Casey Anthony, for the first time publicly confessed details about ABC News' controversial payment of $200,000 to his client Casey. Baez in an interview with PBS's Frontline that aired on Tuesday acknowledged that he and his client were able to mount a successful defense only form the money his client received from ABC News. ABC News paid $200,000 large sum of money to Anthony's family only to gain the exclusive rights to photos of Casey ...
Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp Sued By A Disabled Woman Over Injury At Concert

A 52-year old U.C Irvine assistant medical school professor is claiming that Johnny Depp's bodyguards injured her at an Iggy and the Stooges performance at the Hollywood Palladium last December. The woman, who walks with a cane and is identified in the lawsuit papers as Jane Doe, alleges that the bodyguards violently restrained her while trying to restrict her from accessing the VIP section, reported Los Angeles Times.


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