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Prescription Drugs

Vaccine May Curb Advancement of Breast, Ovarian Cancers

A recombinant poxviral vaccine, PANVAC, under study has shown to produce positive results in patients suffering from ovarian and breast cancer with limited tumour burden and minimal prior chemotherapy, a recent research reveals.
Autism Spectrum Disorder

Study: Autism Key in Too Many Brain Cells, Pre-Birth Development

A UC San Diego study shows autistic children have an average of 67 percent more brain cells, with significantly heavier brains than their normally developing peers. The excess of brain cells in the prefrontal cortex suggest autism begins in the womb, not (as previously imagined) in infancy or toddlerhood. Extra brain cells cause autistic kids to have too much of a good thing.
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Heart Procedures Linked to Cognitive Decline

People who had invasive bypass surgery and those who underwent less-invasive stent placement showed declines in thinking and memory skills a few months after the procedures, according to a German study of heart patients.
Novartis Phase III Study:  ACZ885 Reduces Steroid Use in 45% of Childhood Arthritic Patients.

Novartis Drug ACZ885 Cuts Steroid Use in 45% of Children with Arthritis

Following the Phase III analysis by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, it was found that around 45 percent of children with active systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA) were able to reduce their dependence on oral corticosteroids following the treatment with ACZ885 (canakinumab).
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Heart Procedures Linked to Cognitive Declin

In a new study of German heart patients, people who had invasive bypass surgery and those who underwent less-invasive stent placement showed declines in thinking and memory skills a few months after the procedures.
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Smallpox Vaccine Extends Life in Cancer Trial

A genetically engineered smallpox vaccine reduced the risk of death for patients with advanced liver cancer by nearly 60 percent in a mid-stage study, prompting the launch of a later-stage trial.


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