Reminiscing the Life of the Tech Legend Steve Jobs [PHOTOS]

Rare and Aggressive Pancreatic Cancer Claims Steve Jobs at 56

California-based technology giant Apple Inc. has apparently decided against disclosing the reason behind Steve Jobs' death, at the rather early age of 56. However, it was no secret that Jobs had been battling a rare form of pancreatic cancer, from about 2004; the year in which he underwent surgery for the same.

Monkeys Use Mind Control to Move and Feel Virtual Hands [VIDEO]

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Monkeys, using only brain and no brawn, controlled a virtual hand the monkeys could sense in a demonstration that puts researchers closer to melding brain and machine. The research continues to pave the way towards creating artificial limbs that have the sensation of a real limb.
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Nobel Winner for Medicine Died Before he was Told of Award

Canada-born Ralph M. Steinman, of New York's Rockefeller University, who was honored with the Nobel Prize for Medicine for his groundbreaking work on the immune system, died of cancer just days before he could be told of the award.
Professor Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren of Karolinska Institute announces the 2011 Nobel Physiology or Medicine laureates during a news conference in Stockholm

Winners of 2011 Nobel Medicine Prize

The 2011 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, was awarded on Monday to Bruce Beutler and Jules Hoffmann jointly for their discoveries concerning the activation of innate immunity and the other half to Ralph Steinman for his discovery of the dendritic cell and its role in adaptive immunity.
Professor Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren of Karolinska Institute announces the 2011 Nobel Physiology or Medicine laureates during a news conference in Stockholm

Factbox: Winners of 2011 Nobel Medicine Prize

The 2011 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, was awarded on Monday to Bruce Beutler and Jules Hoffmann jointly for their discoveries concerning the activation of innate immunity and the other half to Ralph Steinman for his discovery of the dendritic cell and its role in adaptive immunity.


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