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Whooping cough outbreak hits California

The California Department of Public Health has reported that whooping cough incidents in the state in June is four times higher than last year and declared an epidemic.
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EU and U.S. ask if Glaxo's Avandia has a future

GlaxoSmithKline Plc's diabetes pill Avandia came under intense scrutiny on both sides of the Atlantic on Friday, leaving the drug's future uncertain as its maker battles a growing tide of lawsuits.
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A key mechanism links virgin olive oil to protection against breast cancer

The researchers decoded a complete cascade of signals within breast tumour cells activated by virgin olive oil, and concluded that benefits include decrease in the activity of the oncogene p21Ras, changes in protein signaling pathways, stimulation of tumour cell death and prevention of DNA damage. The study was carried out in an experimental model and researchers have already begun a new study wit...
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Teenage physical activity reduces risk of cognitive impairment in later life

Women who are physically active at any point over the life course (teenage, age 30, age 50, late life) have lower risk of cognitive impairment in late-life compared to those who are inactive, but teenage physical activity appears to be most important. This is the key finding of a study of over nine thousand women published today in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
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Ambulance delay in Victoria gets worse

Controversies regarding Victoria's ambulance service has been raised again after a Kyneton woman was transported to a hospital in Melbourne after three and a half hours.
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Qld neuroscientist gets honor for ADHD research

A Queensland Brain Institute neuroscientist received an honor for his research into attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) from the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA).
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Researchers discover how insulin-producing cells increase during pregnancy

Researchers funded by JDRF have discovered that the hormone, serotonin, may be involved in the increase of insulin-producing beta cells during pregnancy. The findings reveal one of the mechanisms underlying beta cell expansion during pregnancy, and are the latest advances underscoring the potential for regeneration as a key component of a possible cure for type 1 diabetes.
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Too little weight gain risky in twin pregnancy

Women pregnant with twins should be sure to gain the recommended amount of weight, according to a new study, which shows that gaining less weight than recommended during a twin pregnancy ups the risk of early birth and low weight babies.
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Software cuts CT radiation dose in half: study

A new software program that enhances the quality of CT images allowed doctors to cut in half the radiation dose needed for a colon scan and still produce clear images, U.S. researchers said on Monday.
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Doubts cast on male menopause criteria

For many middle-aged and elderly men, low libido, depressed mood and a lack of energy may just be the signs of normal aging -- and not low testosterone levels.
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In U.S., 15 percent lack health insurance: survey

The survey by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed a stable pattern over recent years of Americans without health insurance -- numbers used as the basis for battles over healthcare and health insurance reform.


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