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Swine flu vaccine wastage ‘substantial’

A survey found 42 per cent of swine flu vaccine doses distributed to a number of GPs, end up fast in the bin, with more than 7.5 million of the 19 million doses of the vaccine bought by the federal government at a cost of more than $100 million could be wasted.

Johnson & Johnson's recalls infant, children's Tylenol, Motrin

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(Reuters) - The Food and Drug Administration on Saturday urged consumers to stop using liquid Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl and Zyrtec medicines for children and infants after a broad recall announced by the manufacturer, although it said the chance of serious problems was remote.
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Obese kids more apt to be bullied, study confirms

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Obese children in grades 3 through 6 are more apt to be bullied by their classmates than children who are trim, regardless of their gender, race, social skills, or academic achievement, a study published today in Pediatrics shows.
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H. Pylori bacteria beneficial for humans

A bacterium that causes ulcers and cancers of the stomach seems to have a beneficial side - it significantly decreases the risk of one specific type of oesophageal cancer - reveals an Australian study.
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Reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s through exercise

An upcoming study supported by Alzheimer's Australia to test if physical activity does improve the symptoms of memory loss and wellbeing of people with Alzheimer's will take place in Brisbane by staff of the University of Queensland at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital complex.

Plastic Surgery Cure Migraine?

Having migraine can be difficult as it interferes with a person's life, family and friends. For many sufferers, the normal over the counter medications just don't work for them. Dr. Lawrence Newman, a director of Headache Institute at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital in New York said that migraine is a life-altering condition.
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CSL flu vaccine under investigation

A thorough investigation into CSL Ltd's seasonal flu vaccine that includes the H1N1 pandemic strain is now being performed by Australia's drug regulator, after the flu shots were linked with adverse reactions in children.
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Poor diet increases cancer risk

Australia has been warned by a leading international cancer expert that it is on a cancer collision course, with a great increase in cancer cases predicted within the next 20 years unless action is taken to curb the obesity epidemic.
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Exercise to keep your mental health fit

The number one cause of death in Australia for men under 45 is not due to road fatalities or any kind of physical disease. It is suicide and the statistics are disturbing.
