Vaccine struggle embodies U.S. health reform battle

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The confusion surrounding adult vaccination help illustrates some of the big problems looming for Congress as it struggles with healthcare reform legislation, doctors and health officials said on Wednesday.

Shortage of doctors could damage healthcare reform

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A growing shortage of primary care doctors could place a major burden on the U.S. healthcare system if President Barack Obama succeeds in extending medical insurance to millions of Americans who currently lack it.
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Losing excess pounds may improve balance

A small study suggests that obese adults could improve their balance by shedding pounds and boosting their muscle strength -- with weight loss being especially effective.
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Healthcare reform seen critical for rural U.S

Surrounded by corn fields and cattle, the people of southeast Kansas seem far from the Washington debate on reforming U.S. healthcare but many care deeply about the issue and hope that change can come.
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No Cadillacs in U.S. healthcare reform proposals

Some of the ideas proposed for U.S. healthcare reform could cost patients thousands of dollars a year out of their own pockets, and premiums could end up being too high, according to two reports.
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Harry Potter actor sentenced to community service

A judge on Tuesday ordered actor Jamie Waylett, who plays school bully Vincent Crabbe in the Harry Potter movies, to serve 120 hours of community service after he admitted growing cannabis at his mother's home.
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Schering profit rises

U.S. drugmaker Schering-Plough Corp said on Tuesday its second-quarter earnings rose after lower special charges, but global revenue declined as the weak dollar hurt sales in overseas markets.
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FDA approves seasonal flu vaccine

The Food and Drug Administration approved the ordinary seasonal flu vaccine on Monday and said Americans should plan to be vaccinated.
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Human Genome lupus drug success is classic biotech

Human Genome Sciences Inc said on Monday that its experimental lupus drug succeeded in a late-stage clinical trial, shocking many who had written the product off, and sending the stock up more than 200 percent.
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Closing schools won't stop pandemics: study

Closing schools at the first sign of a new pandemic might delay the worst so health officials can prepare, but cannot prevent the spread of the disease, British researchers said on Monday.
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Birth rates impact outbreaks of common diarrhea

A new study suggests that the timing of outbreaks of rotavirus -- the leading cause of severe diarrhea in infants and young children -- may have more to do with differences in birth rates across the United States than with environmental factors such as climate.
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British students quarantined for H1N1 flu in China

A group of 52 British school children and their teachers have been quarantined in Beijing after four pupils were admitted to hospital infected with the H1N1 flu virus, Britain's Foreign Office said Saturday.
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How to fight H1N1 flu spread?

The World Health Organization issued the following guidelines on Saturday about ways to prevent and fight flu, especially in poor areas where medical facilities may lack staff, beds and drugs:
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Doctors probed by state in Michael Jackson's death

California's attorney general said on Wednesday his office has run several doctors' names and several potential aliases through its prescription drug database to aid police investigating the death of Michael Jackson.


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