Wall Street Week Ahead: Markets Edgy on Debt-Talk Stalemate

A trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange
Much of the United States may be frying in near-record temperatures but Wall Street has been feeling the heat for months. Wrangling over the debt ceiling has kept markets on edge, and investors are still waiting for a breakthrough that leads to a deal to avoid a devastating default.
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Television personality Kim Kardashian

Who is Kim Kardashian Marrying? Wedding Rumored For August 20

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian may be a Mrs. pretty soon. The 'wedding of the year' is rumored to take place next month between Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries. The two became engaged back in May, when Kris was said to have presented Kim with at 20.5 carat diamond ring. It was speculated from the beginning that the alleged Kim Kardashian wedding date is set for August 20, 2011.
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Rising Sea Levels Threaten US East Coast

A National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration revealed that a strong EL Nino in future could imperil the US east coast with rising sea levels and more destructive storm surges.


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