September 11

Reflecting On The Towers: At The Center Of The World

Originally viewed in the 1970s as a project that added too much office space to Lower Manhattan, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center became a symbol not only for New York, but for the United States, for capitalism, for the cosmopolitan / urban life, for modernity itself.
9/11 Memorial

9/11 Museum Opening Delayed As Bloomberg, Cuomo Battle Over Funding: Report

The construction of the long-awaited museum at ground zero meant to honor victims of September 11 will not be completed for the upcoming anniversary of the terrorist attack because of a political argument between New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and state Governor Andrew Cuomo, according to the New York Times. The museum opening by 9/11 in 2013 is also in doubt.
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Justin Bieber Comes Under Fire For Unsafe Fake Gun Twitter Pics

Justin Bieber is apparently having some fun on the set of Selena Gomez's latest movie, "Feed the Dog." The pop star appeared there Thursday night and took several photogragphs of himself brandishing a prop gun in wildly unsafe manners, seemingly pretending to look tough.
Paul Ryan at RNC

Ryan Thrills GOP, Calls Obama True Threat To Medicare

Rep. Paul Ryan closed the second night of the 2012 Republican National Convention proudly accepting the vice presidential nomination as a representative of his generation, promising to deliver the America they inherited to their own children.
RNC Convention 2012: From Mitt Romney To Chris Christie – Day 2 In Photos

RNC Convention 2012: From Mitt Romney To Chris Christie - Day 2 In Photos

Although the tropical storm Isaac forced the cancelation of Monday's opening session of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, the conference was finally kicked off Tuesday with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie impassionedly challenging the Republicans to start "taking our country back" during his keynote speech.
This Year's Republican National Convention Aims To Be ‘The Most Tech-Savvy’ In Party’s History

Watch The 2012 GOP Convention Here Via Free Live Stream

The 2012 Republican National Convention is this week, and if you can't be in Tampa, Florida, for the festivities, you can follow along by watching on TV, or you can watch via the free live stream we have posted here for your convenience.


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