Crewman killed as oil tanker fire rages for second day off Sri Lanka coast
Landmark protest in Mauritius over giant oil spill
Stricken ship behind oil spill sunk off Mauritius
The treasured wetlands of Mauritius: Factfile
The Japan firms behind Mauritius oil-leak ship
The satellite image shows the ship that ran aground on July 25 as well as clear signs of the black oil.
UN experts arrive in Mauritius to assist in oil spill
Black waters: Oil spills pollute northeast Syria creeks
Siberian oil spill contaminates Arctic lake
A major oil spill that happened in Russia and affected the Arctic Circle was spotted from space by two satellites of the European Space Agency (ESA). Although Russian officials already confirmed that the spill had been stopped, the incident prompted the country’s government to declare a state of emergency.
Nigerian communities struggle with devastating oil spills
Ecuador says Galapagos fuel spill 'under control'
Brazilian authorities have named a Greek-flagged tanker as the prime suspect for spilling crude oil off the country's northeast coast
The oil has been seen along Brazil's northeastern Atlantic coast, including Pernambuco state, where volunteers are pictured cleaning up on October 21, 2019
Brazil has accused its South American neighbor of responsibility for the oil leakage that began in early September
Biologists at a marine mammal rehabilitation center in Ceara State, Brazil, treating a turtle covered in oil
British energy giant BP said CEO Bob Dudley, who oversaw the company's costly and difficult recovery from the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe, will step down next year
The Hibernia oil platform halted production after a 12,000 liter oil spill that occurred Wednesday.
Earth Day is an event observed across the globe every year on April 22.
Texas-based Buckeye Pipe Line said the pipeline was immediately shut down when the incident came into their notice.
The controversial pipeline had a major leak.
At least six people were seriously injured and one person was "unaccounted for" in the explosion of the rig located near the Treasure Chest Casino.