Dear Anyone Who Cares About Plagiarism -- including perpetrators, victims and everyone else in between:Earlier this week, I wrote a story about how some Sony employees chimed in on a Twitter-based PS4 anti-DRM campaign in the wake of the confusion surrounding the recently revealed Xbox One’s always-on requirements.A day after my article went up, I noticed that a similar-looking article was picked up by N4G, a video game news site that allows almost anyone to submit articles to them. I clicked on the article, which you can read here. Check out the screenshots below as well.
Why would Microsoft's newest game system be lagging so far behind the PlayStation 4 in Google searches?
Are gamers more interested in the PS4 than the Xbox One? We found some Google search data that seems to suggest that.
Sony has confirmed that gamers will be able to play any PS4 game on their PS Vita.
A few Sony employees have responded to a Twitter-based campaign advocating against DRM in the PS4.
GameStop revealed that both the Xbox One and PS4 will be cheaper at launch than past consoles were when they were first released.
Here, we take a look at the specs for the just-unveiled Xbox One and the soon-to-be showcased PlayStation 4.
Talk abounds that "the sky is falling" in gaming. We strongly disagree. Why? Logic.
Sony has released a teaser video of the upcoming PlayStation 4 console. This comes after a fake teaser for the system was released last week, fooling many into thinking that it was legitimate.
A possible slogan for the upcoming PlayStation 3 has allegedly been trademarked.
A link to a YouTube video posted on Reddit by user “moxmoxmox” gives a glimpse of what's purported to be the PlayStation 4 console's body, leaked ahead of E3.
A new video touts the new Dualshock 4 controller, but says very little about the capabilities of the new features.
Recent reports suggest that Microsoft's Xbox 720 will launch on May 21 and will cost $300 to $500.
Microsoft's Xbox 720 is a 'compelling device,' says GameStop CEO Mark Raines.
A possible sneak peak of the Xbox 720 logo has surfaced on the Web, and many have suggested the device could be unveiled at a media event in April or at Microsoft's E3 Expo in June.
Developers have dreamt to build games without limits. By substituting game discs for the cloud, the PS4 and alleged Xbox 720 could open the doors for incredible possibilities in gaming.
Sales of Sony's PS Vita console have increased four-fold in Japan following a drop in its starting price in late February.
A market survey suggests game console developers will have an even harder time selling their next-generation hardware than originally thought.
Microsoft's Xbox720 has a rumored April release.
After Sony's event introducing the PS4 on Wednesday, how can Microsoft beat Sony's new device?
While the announced PlayStation 4 videogames and tech specs are nice, the new DualShock 4 controller and the PlayStation 4 Eye are what users will interact with most frequently. Luckily, Sony has provided an in-depth at the two items that will let you interact with the PS4.
Sony announced the PlayStation 4 on Wednesday in New York. While there are some very exciting developments and plans for the PS4 there are still plenty of questions. Sony discussed the PS4 on Thursday and said the specs, as well as the price of the system, have yet to be finalized.