Latin America is increasing its investment in green energy, and international money is watching.
Who knew Iran is capable of launching anything else but missiles?
Sun, wind and water energy you know about, but power from sewage? That's a new one.
The diversified industrial giant has fallen out of favor with institutional investors. Here's why.
Promoting sustainability, Swedish furniture retailer IKEA will add solar panels to the menu in its U.K. stores in 2014.
Japan is looking to diversify its energy mix and stay clear from nuclear power after the disaster at Fukushima.
Barely 20 years old, Kazakhstan has developed into a self-sustaining and model economy where green energy and development is paramount
The Indian government will build world’s largest power plant, which will generate 4,000 MW of power, in Rajasthan.
China announced a ban on new coal plants, but is that enough to curb air pollution?
Foxconn has been testing the solar panel industry waters for two years, but has revealed little about its solar unit.
The man once called "Governor Moonbeam" says California must "bottle" sunlight.
California is great at recycling, and Kansas uses the most renewable energy.
Giant energy companies are scrambling to export newfound North American natural gas from either Western Canada or the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Ineos Bio says it's the first company to produce ethanol from waste on a commercial scale -- and it's ready to bring it to market.
State and local government’s policy towards the solar industry and not direct sunlight can make states top leaders in solar power.
The Department of Interior said it is planning on offering a lease sale for wind energy off the coast of Virginia.
In the dusty, gassy disk surrounding the star TW Hydrae, there's a point beyond which carbon monoxide freezes.
Renewable energy will increase by 20 percent over the next five years overtaking gas
In its first-ever private fund investment, USAID has committed $100 million for India's clean energy sector.
The UAE is funding clean energy, but eight new wind turbines in the Seychelles can’t stop the water from rising.
The National Space Society and India have agreed to collaborate on the creation of an international organization to generate solar power in space.
Japan experienced an explosion of investment in solar energy after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown.