India To Double Its Gold Import Duty

Indian woman tries on gold jewelry
India, the world's No. 1 gold buyer, plans to double the duty on imports of the precious metal, according to reports Friday, its second such move this year. Gold prices fell nearly 1 percent.
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For a while it was just your mother's maiden name, then your first pet, the street you grew up on or the make and model of your first car. As passwords and security questions multiply, so does the potential for things to go wrong, possibly locking you out

Online Security: Why It's Taxing Our Brains

For a while it was just your mother's maiden name, then your first pet, the street you grew up on or the make and model of your first car. As passwords and security questions multiply, so does the potential for things to go wrong, possibly locking you out of your own life.
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Accused Irish LulzSec Hacker Worked in Security

One of the people accused by authorities of being at the core of Lulz Security, perhaps the most feared hacking group on the planet, led a nonprofit group in Galway, Ireland, dedicated to making websites more secure.
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Senators to hear pitch for tougher cyber security

Top U.S. officials are set to push for tougher cyber-security measures to protect the nation's water, electrical and telecommunications grid at a closed-door meeting with senators on Wednesday evening, congressional and White House staffers said.
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Gold Snaps 3-Day Loss as Risk Aversion Rises

Gold regained some ground Wednesday as jewellers in Asia snapped up the metal after prices dropped 2 percent in the previous session, but investors were cautious because of lingering fears about a possible Greek default.
Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Is Turkey's Prime Minister Dying of Cancer?

Rumors about Erdogan’s health have festered since last November when the Prime Minister underwent surgery on his lower intestines, followed by another procedure in February.
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China domestic security spending rises to $111 billion

China will increase spending on police, militia and other domestic security arms by 11.5 percent to $111 billion this year, figures released on Monday showed, ahead of a leadership succession that has kindled fear of instability.
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Hackers winning security war: executives

Technology security professionals seeking wisdom from industry leaders in San Francisco this week saw more of the dark side than they had expected: a procession of CEO speakers whose companies have been hacked.
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Republicans introduce softer cyber security bill

Eight top Republicans introduced a cybersecurity bill on Thursday aimed at stopping an overarching, bipartisan measure proposed earlier this month in order to better protect critical infrastructure.

2 NATO Soldiers Shot Dead by Afghans

Two NATO soldiers were shot dead on Thursday by two Afghans, including a man believed to be a soldier, NATO said, an attack that is likely to raise further questions about the future of the country's security forces.
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WikiLeaks Reveals Stratfor's Exclusive Glossary

Following the controversial release of over five million private emails by online anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks, global intelligence company Stratfor undoubtedly has some explaining to do. The emails reveal all sorts of information including details regarding sources, operations and miscellaneous gossip. But, perhaps most peculiar is one specific document circulated among employees in 2007. The document, titled The Stratfor Glossary of Useful, Baffling and Strange Intelligence Terms.


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