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Malicious attack hits a million Web pages

More than one million website pages have been hit by a sophisticated hacking attack that injects code into sites that redirect users to a fraudulent software sales operation.
Samsung spyware a false alarm

Samsung Keylogger Scare A False Alarm

Reports of keylogging software installed on Samsung-built laptops are wrong, the company says, but a case where anti-virus software picked up a harmless foreign language folder.
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Gold Unwinds Weekly Drop as Real Interest Rates Plunge

Prices to Buy Gold rose above $1418 per ounce Friday lunchtime in London, reversing this week's earlier 2.4% drop as crude oil fell and world stock markets rose further after news of an immediate cease-fire by the Gaddafi regime in Libya, prompted by the United Nations' no fly zone agreement.
Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi

UN Approves Military Force Against Gaddafi Forces

The United Nations Security Council has approved military strikes on Libyan air defenses, a move following weeks of talks led by France, Britain and the United States to mobilize the international community to take action against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi, which is engaged in armed conflict with rebels.
Anonymous Releases BofA emails

BofA Emails May Be Less Than Meets The Eye

Anonymous, the hacker collective, has released emails from Bank of America that a former employee says show the bank improperly foreclosed on homes during the financial crisis, but the emails seem to have little to do with home loans.
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Renault security manager under fraud investigation

A Renault security manager was put under investigation on suspicion of fraud on Sunday, an official at the Paris prosecutor's office said, as a case of suspected industrial espionage at the carmaker continues to unravel.
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Anonymous Threatens To Post Info On Bradley Manning's Guards

Anonymous is giving the U.S. military until Monday to improve its treatment of Bradley Manning, the U.S. army private accused of leaking secrets to Wikileaks, or it will post the personal information of the guards and commanders at the base where he is being held.
 Lindsay Lohan shoplifting necklace tapes to hit the internet soon

Lindsay Lohan shoplifting tape to hit Internet soon

The surveillance tape showing troubled actress Lindsay Lohan shopping at a boutique, where she allegedly stole a $2,500 necklace, could soon hit Internet. Kamofie & Co. a boutique jewelry store in Venice, California, has sold the surveillance tape to a company that licensed it to a popular entertainment news show to an undisclosed sum.
Chinese Police Gun Down at Least Four Rioters in Xinjiang Province

China internal security spending jumps past army budget

China's spending on police and domestic surveillance will hit new heights this year, with public security outlays unveiled on Saturday outstripping the defence budget for the first time as Beijing cracks down on protest calls.
China to let insurers buy more unsecured debt

China to let insurers buy more unsecured debt

China's insurance regulator is considering raising the proportion of assets that insurers may invest in unsecured bonds to 30 percent from the current 20 percent, IFR reported on Thursday, citing sources.


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