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Cyberthieves are hiring, using online ads

The people who brought the world malicious software that steals credit card numbers from your personal computer and empties bank ATMs of their cash are hiring, and they're advertising online.
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Data breaches double in 2009

Data breaches at US companies doubled last year and are cost substantially more than other internal IT gaffes, according to new research.
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Twitter cuts feature on site over security flaw

Twitter has temporarily disabled one of the features on its website after a security researcher warned of a programing flaw that left the login credentials of its users vulnerable to hackers.
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Twitter users vulnerable to security flaw

A flaw in Twitter's website has left the login credentials of its users vulnerable to hackers, according to a security researcher who has asked the social media company to fix the problem.
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Google puts focus on China cyberwar fears

Google Inc's threat to quit China over cyber attacks and censorship highlights U.S. fears that a more powerful Beijing is tapping government and corporate computer networks to steal secrets and to prepare for potential conflicts.
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Microsoft top lawyer urges law to protect cloud

Congress should enact a law laying the groundwork for protecting consumers who use the Internet cloud to store data before states come in with an unwieldy patchwork of conflicting legislation, said Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith on Wednesday.
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Tyco to acquire Broadview Security for $1.9 billion

Industrial conglomerate Tyco International will acquire Broadview Security for $1.9 billion in a deal that brings together two large providers of residential and commercial security in North America, the two companies said on Monday.
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U.S. troops boost Haiti aid security as looters swarm

The United States was sending more troops on Monday to help protect a huge relief operation in Haiti from marauding looters as tens of thousands of earthquake survivors waited desperately for promised food and medical care.
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U.S. urges China to work with Google on security

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke urged China on Wednesday to ensure a secure commercial environment for Google and other U.S. companies after the world's top search engine said it may shut its Chinese-language website because of cyber attacks.
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Yemen says security forces kill al Qaeda cell leader

Yemeni government forces killed an al Qaeda leader in an overnight shootout in a southeastern province and militants hit back with an ambush that killed two soldiers and wounded four on Wednesday, security officials said.
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Google's statement on how it may pull out of China: (full text)

Google Inc said on Tuesday that it is considering shutting down its China operations and website after hackers in China coordinated a highly sophisticated cyber-attack on the Internet search giant in December and targeted at least a score of other major corporations.
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Clinton to talk bases, security on Pacific swing

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton heads to the South Pacific this week, working to boost key U.S. alliances while pressing Japan to resolve a damaging dispute over a critical U.S. military base.
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Obama orders new measures after security lapses

President Barack Obama took ultimate responsibility on Thursday for security lapses that allowed an attempted Christmas Day bombing of a U.S. airliner and ordered reforms aimed at thwarting future attacks.


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