Joe Biden is aiming to cut costs for solar and wind companies looking to access to federal lands
Joe Biden's plan for investing in clean energy by bringing the United States to 80% renewable energy could save over 317,000 lives.
A new study published in ACS Photonics states that researchers have developed an alternative photovoltaic design that uses the Earth as the source of heat and the night sky as a heat sink.
The praise of Casey Neistat for Elon Musk-led Tesla solar roof company's staffer evoked a response from Musk who said: “Innovation comes in many ways.”
Ace investor and billionaire Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway was tricked into a bad investment by an enterprise running Ponzi schemes on solar energy luring investors by flaunting federal tax credits.
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe made history by having the “closest” encounter with the sun, and now scientists are excited to make new discoveries about the solar system.
Unlike last year’s eclipse, the moon will only partially cover the sun this Saturday and the phenomenon will only be visible to certain parts of the world.
Meghan Markle's wedding dress may be identical to the one Jennifer Lopez wore on "The Wedding Planner."
With energy storage becoming easier to justify financially, the solar market could grow exponentially.
Commercial solar is finally being paired with energy storage.
The sun is going to pull back on how much radiation it sends to Earth, but it won’t do much to offset climate change.
If drones can fly on solar power alone they may never have to return to the ground.
Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Xi Jinping are among those offering to help Caribbean nations rebuild – and do so in a greener, more resilient way – after the devastating 2017 hurricane season.
Scientists have used Cyanobacteria — bacteria that can turn light energy into electricity — to print circuits that can serve as solar cells by using just a simple inkjet printer.
Elon Musk's brainchild is counting on a pickup in auto and residential solar panel sales to pick up the tab for his company's exorbitant expenditures.
The solar cooking product GoSun Go surpassed its Kickstarter campaign in just two hours.
Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosello said he had a "great initial conversation" with Tesla CEO Elon Musk after his offer to power up island after hurricane destruction.
A new material called Perovskite would make for cheaper solar panels.
These are some of the best photos NASA got of the eclipse.
The Google Doodle Monday was an animation of aliens and the solar eclipse.
There are plenty of total solar eclipse streams and live broadcasts to watch the rare event today.
This event is especially rare because it can be seen in any part of the continental U.S.