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IPad to hit stores April 3

Apple Inc said the first iPads will be in U.S. stores on April 3 and hit nine international markets later in the month, easing concerns that manufacturing constraints could delay launch.

Apple: The wait is over, iPad out April 3

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Apple officially set the release date of its highly-anticipated iPad for April 3, after months of speculation about when the device would become available to the public.

iPad to hit U.S. stores April 3

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Apple Inc said the first iPads will be in U.S. stores on April 3 and hit nine international markets from Japan to the United Kingdom later in April.
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HTC defends against Apple's suit

Taiwanese smartphone maker HTC defended itself against a brought on by Apple yesterday, saying it doesn't infringe, but develops its own technologies.
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Palm's Bleak Future

Thursday was not the only disappointing day for the stock. Throughout its history, Palm has disappointed investors.
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Apple's Jobs says cash hoard allows for bold moves

Steve Jobs defended Apple Inc's decision to maintain a $40 billion cash pile and said it was better to save the money for bold risks, like acquisitions, than to spend it on stock buybacks or cash dividends.
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Apple's Jobs says must think big on cash hoard

Apple Inc CEO Steve Jobs said his company has to think big and its $40 billion cash hoard offers flexibility, suggesting that he had no immediate plans to spend the money on a share buyback or dividend.
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New Apple Macbook Pro in Works

Apple is overdue for a refresh of its popular MacBook Pro product line, and recent checks indicate that a new model may come as soon as this summer.
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For Apple suppliers, loose lips can sink contracts

The massive manufacturing complex in the South China city of Longhua resembles an industrial fortress. To enter the facility, workers swipe security cards at the gate. Guards check the occupants of each vehicle with fingerprint recognition scanners.
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New Apple product: Aperture 3

Apple released on Tuesday the next generation of its professional photography workflow software, Aperture 3, along with a series of tutorial videos.
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Do entrepreneurs need education?

Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook from his Harvard dormitory, but after the social networking website exploded in popularity, he promptly quit school and became a full-time entrepreneur.
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Apple pitches $499 iPad, takes on Amazon

Apple Inc CEO Steve Jobs took the wraps off a sleek tablet that it called the iPad, pitching the new gadget at a surprisingly low price to bridge the gap between smartphones and laptops.
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AT&T retains Apple glitz with iPad deal

AT&T Inc appears to have fended off Verizon Wireless for now and retained its status as the preferred U.S. carrier for Apple Inc with a deal to support the new iPad tablet computer.
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Apple unveils iPad, bets on new device class

Apple Inc CEO Steve Jobs took the wraps off the highly anticipated iPad tablet and pitched it at a surprisingly low price, aiming to bridge the gap between smartphones and laptops.


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