A new study published in the journal Science showed that sunflowers use circadian rhythms in addition to heliotropism to move with the sun.
An international team of researchers have discovered a large area at the center of the Milky Way that is completely devoid of pulsating stars.
Fang Fenghui, a member of China’s Central Military Commission, and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, discussed the issue in a video link-up Thursday.
On Monday, Mercury — the innermost planet of our solar system — will pass across the face of the Sun from the point of view of Earthlings.
The lawsuit was filed by Sun Wenlin and Hu Mingliang after a civil affairs bureau refused to issue the couple a marriage registration certificate.
The planet is uninhabitable but could help astronomers understand the evolution of planets that could harbor life.
The Solar Dynamics Observatory launched in 2010 and has been providing daily observations ever since.
Crimean tourism is increasing despite concerns over Russia's annexation of the region, according to the Crimean minister of resorts and tourism.
Our DNA is damaged each day by UV radiation and other substances. But a host of molecular systems continuously monitor and repair DNA, keeping our genetic material intact.
"The evidence says no one's out there," said world-renowned NASA scientist William Borucki.
The planet's magnetic field might have developed at least four billion years ago, making it much older than previously believed.
For the first time ever, an aurora has been discovered on an object -- a brown dwarf star -- beyond our solar system.
Beijing has promised to drastically reduce its level of carbon emissions within 20 years.
Solar flares can significantly influence the space around Earth, sending electromagnetic waves hurtling toward the planet.
The dark surface of Mercury has long baffled scientists, who have struggled to explain why the planet's surface reflects so little sunlight.
Jupiter was believed to have acted like a wrecking ball to destroy inner planets in the early solar system, a new study suggests.
The source of cosmic emissions is at the forefront of the Planck 2014 conference.
The Competition Commission of India has put the merger deal between Lafarge and Holcim up for public scrutiny.
A study has mapped the magnetic fields of the chondrule grains which came from a meteorite named Semarkona.
Friday’s solar flare, which was classified as an X3.1-class flare, originated from a gigantic sunspot.
Sunspots are comparatively cooler areas on the sun with powerful magnetic fields poking out through the sun's surface.
The flares eject clouds of electrons, ions and atoms through the sun's corona into space.