Exploding White Dwarf

Slowing Down White Dwarfs at High Risk of Explosion

Like the fictitious time bomb in the Hollywood blockbuster Speed, rigged to blow up the bus in which it was planted it slowed below 50 mph, some white dwarf stars when slowed down from their rapid spins may explode as supernova, astronomers say.
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A look back at solar flares in 2011 and their effects

Scientists Now Able to Predict Sunspots Days Before Solar Eruptions

Scientists have found a way to spot active regions of the sun, a full day or two before they erupt as sunspots, by listening to sound waves from deep inside the sun. This prediction could possibly lead to better forecasts of dangerous solar storms, a new study said.
Perseid meteor shower

Perseid Meteor Shower: When, Where and How to Watch

The annual Perseid meteor shower is round the corner, but conditions are sub-optimal this year: sky gazers will not be able to watch meteors falling through night sky in abundance as the celestial display is predicted to be hampered by the full moon.
Solar Flare Erupts

Largest Solar Flare in Current Cycle Erupts on Sun

An extremely powerful solar flare, which is the largest in the current solar weather cycle, rocked the Sun on Tuesday, resulting in coronal mass ejection (CME). But as the gigantic bursts of radiation occurred near the western limb of the sun, it is unlikely to wreak any serious havoc on Earth.
The Perseid meteor shower

Perseid Meteor Shower to be Hampered by Full Moon

The annual Perseid meteor shower, which is caused by debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle and observed for about 2000 years, will be hampered this year by the full moon, which happens when Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon.
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Auroras: How do They Happen?

As Sun moves into the peak of its 11-year activity cycle, powerful solar flares erupted, triggering massive magnetic storms that could disrupt communication systems in Earth. The solar eruption will also cause spectacular auroras, which will be visible in northern America. Here are some details about auroras:


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