The Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee has been requesting access to the unredacted report from special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election since the public report was released.
The decision came in a case filed by a California law firm that refused to comply with a civil investigative demand issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
The Supreme Court said the Louisiana placed a "substantial obstacle" in women's ability to seek an abortion in the state.
Halt extradition of Huawei exec says former Canada Supreme Court Justice
The government of Israel is looking to ban “conversion therapy” by introducing a new bill in the legislative assembly.
Concerns over coronavirus exposure and counter-protests loom over Tulsa as the city prepares for Trump's rally on Saturday.
Christina Aguilera sent her fans into a frenzy by uploading a racy picture on the photo-sharing platform where she can be seen posing without clothes.
The outcome would impact 8.1 million LGBT employees across the country, many of whom are not protected by state law.
Two inmates filed a class-action lawsuit against a geriatric prison in Grimes County, Texas on behalf of the disabled and high-risk inmates.
Businesses throughout Wisconsin are hurriedly reopening without restrictions after the state Supreme Court struck down the stay-at-home order imposed by Gov. Tony Evers.
The Supreme Court found that "wrongdoing" was perpetrated by allies of former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in the 2013 "Bridgegate" scandal, but asserted that "federal fraud statutes at issue do not criminalize all such conduct."
The Supreme Court heard its first cases by teleconference. It may have also been the first time that a toilet flush was heard during oral arguments.
Chief Justice John Roberts emerged as the likely swing vote as he questioned if Trump's rollbacks could be considered "too broad."
Facebook reveals members of its 'supreme court' for content
Lee Jae-yong is the grandson of Samsung founder Lee Byung-chul
Notoriously silent Justice Clarence Thomas broke his silence for the first time in over a year during the Supreme Court's first video conference session.
Israel court hears challenges to coalition deal
Trump-backed judge Daniel Kelly became the first incumbent justice on Wisconsin's Supreme Court to lose reelection since 2008, as longtime swing districts like Kenosha County broke strongly for the Democrat in a result that has Republican strategists increasingly concerned about the presidential election.
President Trump falsely claimed he has the power to re-open states even if governor's object, and there are centuries of constitutional law and Supreme Court rulings proving that no president has the ability to do what Trump claims he can do.
Wisconsin continued its scheduled primary and elections after the state and U.S. Supreme Court ruled against extensions in absentee voting and delaying in-person voting.
Disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein was taken to New York City’s Bellevue Hospital after complaining of chest pains.
Academy Award-winning actor Timothy Hutton has been accused of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in 1983 in Canada.