Teen Wanted To Kill Mother But Fatally Stabbed Her Cat Instead As 'It Would Be Easier'

A teen with homicidal tendencies tried to kill his mother but ended up killing her cat instead. The teen was charged with animal cruelty Wednesday.
Officials with the El Paso County Animal Law Enforcement responded to a home in Colorado Springs mid-September after receiving a call from a woman stating that she found het pet cat dead in a gift bag. The officers found the woman holding a paper gift bag taped shut with the remains of the animal inside. Investigations revealed that the woman’s son, identified as 18-year-old Cohen Heath, had tortured the feline to death.
During interrogation, Heath told the officers that he was on meth and some voices told him that he had to kill something. He first thought of killing his friend who was sleeping over and then thought of killing his own mother. However, he eventually decided to kill the feline as “it would be easier to kill.”
Heath said he took the cat to a nearby drainage ditch where he stabbed it several times before placing it inside a backpack. A while later, Health took the cat out and decided to chop off its front paw as he wanted to make a necklace out of it. He then skinned the feline before putting it in a Ziploc bag.
Upon seeing his mother worry about the cat, Heath told her the feline had disappeared after getting out through the front door of the home. Heath told the investigators his mother and friend spent the next few hours searching for the animal which he thought was “kind of funny” to watch as he knew the feline was dead.
The Animal Law Enforcement officials then searched Heath’s room and found the knives that had blood and fur on them. He was taken into custody and charged with aggravated cruelty to animals, a felony.