Argument Details

We all have different opinions, and that is usually what begins an argument. Others may not agree with our thoughts, and we butt heads a little when we disagree. While that does not necessarily mean that either of us are right or wrong, it does mean each of us think very differently, which is totally acceptable. However, we are more likely to get along better with people who think like us than people with whom we do not share the same views.

When we are in the same environment with people who have opposing views to ours and start a discussion, an argument is likely to arise. Arguments are not necessarily offensive and mean no harm to either of the parties involved; rather, they are a means through which everyone expresses their thoughts. It is a healthy space where we are allowed to debate on issues that affect us either directly or indirectly. However, some arguments may become so intense that the parties start attacking each other and become violent.

It is advisable that there be a mediator during such arguments so they can prevent any form of violence from erupting. A mediator is a non-biased, neutral party who is present during disputes to help the involved parties come to an agreement of some sort. Arguments in any form of establishment should be solved by the colleagues present or by any superiors in the institution. In more serious cases, any disputing entities should present their case to a judge in a court of law to avoid any irrational decisions.

Example of Argument

Let’s say that you are a new employee at a company where the workers are in open office spaces and can, therefore, interact freely with other employees. The first day you arrive at your workstation you will likely realize people have various divergent ways of thinking from the conversations they have. One day, a discussion starts about a certain proposed bill in the workplace where the employees are told that there would be no more overtime since not much activity takes place during those hours. A group of employees supports this proposal since they barely survive the normal working hours while the hardworking employees who get overtime pay totally oppose this.

When you are asked for your opinion, you might join the ones supporting the proposal or the ones opposing it. The decision is yours because you have the freedom to choose which party suits your way of thinking more. Being the hard worker you are, you choose the opposition side since you also depend on overtime to make some extra cash. The argument here is between two parties with divergent views on the topic of overtime, and that is a typical example of an argument.

Significance of Argument

An argument is a space that allows us to air out our opinions. It mostly arises when there are two opposing sets of groups or individuals who want to speak their minds. It is important not to interfere with such opposing parties while they are explaining their view, or the discussion could turn into a vicious wrangle. Arguments should have a neutral party to help everyone come to a common ground.

Any form of dispute between two companies or establishments should be settled in a court of law. This might include land ownership disputes, territorial encroachments and contract breaching et cetera. An argument can be settled peacefully without any form of violence involved, as long as each party remains civil. Never shy away from expressing the way you feel, as long as you feel you can do it in a respectful fashion.