What is a Logical Framework (LogFrame) Analysis?
What is a Logical Framework (LogFrame) Analysis?
Summary of a project or event's plan, objective, execution, and effects.
Logical Framework Analysis Details
Write a Logical Framework Analysis before the project or event starts to formulate a plan, act as a guide when the event is ongoing, and provide a detailed record for future analysis. A typical Logical Framework Analysis consists of a 4x3 matrix explaining different project elements. The columns consist of broad factors that determine the project's success, such as project summary, indicators, means of verification, risk, and assumptions. The rows consist of more rigid and concrete factors such as goal, outcome, output, and activities.
A Logical Framework Analysis is an essential tool to systemically and visually approach the challenges of holding a successful project. It ensures different parties work in synergy, encourages people to use resources as effectively as possible, understands multiple scenarios of cause and effect, and establishes a clear hierarchy of objectives.
Example of a Logical Framework Analysis
Below is an example of a Logical Framework Analysis involving converting school teaching methods from offline classes to online classes.

Let's dissect the Logical Frame Analysis in the example above:
The project summary contains an explanation of the project. First, set the end goal of your project. Look at the big picture, imagine the final best possible outcome.
Moving one step below, determine the purpose of your goal. What changes are you going to make? Who will benefit from the change? Those are the questions you should ask yourself.
Moving down again, specify what is produced from the process. The output can be products, goods, statistics, or behavioral changes. It has to be observable, measurable, and help to achieve the goal.
Cascading one step down, design activities that will help achieve the desired output, and in turn, your goal. These tasks serve as the first physical step towards completing the project.
Indicators are ways to quantify and measure the matrix. The indicators should be as objective as possible. Try to be as precise and efficient as possible.
Assumptions are hypothetical scenarios that will drastically alter your goal (for the better or worse) but is out of our reach. We have to determine the worst possible scenario to know how to deal with it or limit its damage.
To write an assumption in your Logical Frame Analysis, ask yourself these questions chronologically:
- Is the assumption essential for the success of the project?
- If the answer is yes, continue below. If the answer is no, don't write the assumption.
- Will the assumption always be true? If the answer is perhaps, immediately write the assumption. If the answer is yes, continue below. If the answer is no, don't write the assumption.
- Can you influence that assumption's outcome to preserve your project's best interests? If the answer is yes, then redesign your LogFrame. If the answer is no, it's a killer assumption, scrap the project.
From the example above, the bottom right corner is "Technical difficulties like server errors and internet outage doesn't disturb classes." An internet outage will cause students to miss online classes. Maybe the heavy winter causes a communication tower to topple over and kills the internet? We can't know for sure nor know how to prevent it. Therefore, it's a good assumption.
The last step is to verify your matrices are properly bound by logical steps. To check if a Logical Frame Analysis is precise and reasonable, we must apply logic at the correct steps and directions. Check the Logical Frame Analysis with the if-and-rule. The if-and-rule goes like this: If a project summary matrix is executed and the assumption is correct, then it will lead to the matrix above it.
For example, if all students and teachers can use the online platform effectively and the quality of teaching is consistent, then we have successfully converted the teaching method from offline classes to online classes.
If your matrix connections don't make sense, try to rearrange or modify some matrices to fit the context.
Types of Logical Framework Analysis
Logical Framework Analysis is a powerful tool to plan and control a project or event. Logical Framework Analysis became the worldwide standard of project planning across different disciplines because of its power. As a result, there is no set-in-stone template for a Logical Framework Analysis. Every discipline uses a slightly different version of Logical Frame Analysis.
Most Logical Framework Analysis maintains the four rows consist of goal, outcome, outputs, and activities. The columns are usually varied - a mix between project summary, indicators, means of verifications, risk, and assumptions. Some pick three topics while others pick four topics. Fewer columns mean the LogFrame is simpler, making it easier and faster to fill out.
Filling a Logical Frame Analysis matrices is not as easy and straightforward as it seems. Every matrix is interlocked with cause and effect. Logical connections bind the matrices, so there are only two ways to fill it: top-down or bottom-up.