Three general election polls released Wednesday show Democratic nominee Joe Biden leading incumbent Donald Trump by four points or more.

An Economist/YouGov poll shows Biden with a 10-point lead over Trump, 50%-40%. A Hill/HarrisX poll shows Biden with a smaller 6-point lead over Trump, 45% to 39%.

The right-leaning Rasmussen Reports released a survey that shows Biden with a 4-point advantage over Trump, 48% to 44%.

It’s unclear whether Biden will expand his lead following the Democratic National Convention this week. Trump may also see a polling bounce following the upcoming Republican National Convention.

Trump’s handling of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the main reasons for his sagging poll numbers behind Biden. Trump has also been criticized due to his response to the protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death in May.

The economy has also been hurt by the pandemic, weakening the Republican nominee's chances as the unemployment rate has risen to double-digits. Trump has been criticized for downplaying the early stages of the pandemic and for some questionable comments at daily briefings.

The White House and Congress have not yet reached a deal on another COVID-19 relief package to boost the economy, which could threaten its recovery.

Political pundits have noted that Trump often touts the economy for his reelection bid.

Polling analytics site FiveThirtyEight projects Biden will win the election.