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Gingrich: It's Time To Get Out

After the killing of Afghan civilians by an American soldier Sunday, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said it was time for U.S. troops to leave Afghanistan.
Afghan Killing

US Soldier Slaughters Afghan Civilians Near Kandahar

A U.S. Army sergeant killed at least 16 civilians, nine of them children, in southern Aghanistan before dawn Sunday in the latest outrage to threaten U.S.-Afghan relations, Afghan and American officials said.
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US Soldier Shoots Afghan Civilians In Kandahar: Reports

A U.S. soldier in Afghanistan is believed to have killed at least three Afghan civilians after leaving his base in Kandahar province, the BBC reported. Following the incident, the soldier surrendered to U.S. military authorities, the BBC said.
 Sultana, a survivor of an acid attack, takes part in an awareness rally about the violence against women as they commemorate International Women's Day in Dhaka

Women Victims: The Real Heroes of Acid Attack [SLIDESHOW]

Violent assault in the form of acid attack is most common in many countries. According to Wikipedia, these attacks are most common in Cambodia, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and a few other countries. According to statistics, 80 percent of victims of these acid attacks are female and almost 70 percent are under 18 years of age.
International Women's Day

International Women's Day Gets Political

International Women's Day celebrations in 2012 -- a year that has already been permanently marked by social movements, elections and crises -- have taken a political and, in some cases sombre, tone in many countries.
Ron Paul's Super Tuesday 2012 Speech: 'No Army Can Stop An Idea!' [FULL TEXT & VIDEO]

Ron Paul's Super Tuesday Speech: 'No Army Can Stop An Idea!'

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, spoke to supporters in Fargo, N.D., as results began coming in from Super Tuesday primaries. Get a transcript of his rousing speech here, and watch video of his appearance in North Dakota. The cause of liberty is on a roll, let me tell you that, Paul said. Tonight we're going to send a very loud message to the rest of the country.
Navy sailors can expect to encounter Breathalyzers much more frequently beginning this year.

Navy Breathalyzer Tests: Who Will Be Targeted, and Why?

Navy and the Marine Corps personnel will soon be expected to undergo more frequent Breathalyzer tests when they report for duty, following a Monday announcement. The measure is part of a broader program called the 21st Century Sailor and Marine initiative.


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