A new study adds to growing evidence that we are increasingly lonely -- and it's not good for us.
The 51-year-old ABC News reporter, who has been constantly fighting her alcohol dependency, admitted in January that she is an alcoholic.
Robin Williams, who died of an apparent suicide on Monday, struggled with substance abuse throughout his life.
Eastern Europeans and Russians drink the most, but alcohol is becoming more popular in India and China.
A new study conducted by the Center for Disease Conrol has determined that one in eight U.S. women binge drink.
Alcohol poisoning has been confirmed as the cause of Amy Winehouse's death.
The homeless problem in Denmark is unlikely to ease anytime soon. Net unemployment is now at 4.7 percent, the highest level in six years. Labor Minister Mette Frederiksen warned that the unemployment rate will continue to climb into 2013.
Medical ethicist Julian Savulescu has called for creating genetically engineered ethical babies as a "moral obligation," for parents. Savulescu presents his case, citing the attempt as "responsible parenting."
Already attracting critical buzz for its unique and moving story, Papo and Yo released its official launch trailer today to show some of the protagonist Quico's backstory.
Marilyn is as great a legend as this country as ever produced – she shares eternal life with such luminaries as Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, John Wayne and Louis Armstrong.
The saga, drama and tragedy of the Kennedys rivals that of any authentic royal family the world had ever seen.
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill., whose mysterious monthlong leave of absence has perplexed Chicago and Capitol Hill, is at a residential treatment facility for a mood disorder, his doctor said in a statement released by the congressman's office Wednesday evening.
Kashmir's Jamaat-e-Islami religious group has issued a strict dress code that it hopes to impose on all incoming tourists. Local officials, however, fear it will hamper the region's efforts to promote itself as a safe and welcoming destination.
How did she behave toward the end?
Rodney King?s death has brought back to light the fragile state of race relations in Los Angeles two decades ago. But lesser known are King?s own struggles and demons after that fateful night in 1991 that left him the unlikely symbol of racial inequality and tension in America.
Though the hardworking actor has consistently been on the radar of theater and movie fans and critics throughout his nearly two decades of indie-leaning character work, the enigmatic Hoffman has rarely made headlines for anything beyond his unforgettable performances.
Mel Gibson has been caught once again running his mouth and saying some pretty controversial things. In a new e book written by screenwriter/author Joe Eszterhas, Gibson has been quoted as saying, among other things, that the Holocaust is Horsesh-t. While that is not where the recollection begins, Eszterhas's e book, which has been published for Amazon, documents the time he spent trying to work on projects with Gibson.
The notable and flamboyant former NBA star Dennis Rodman has been sentenced in Southern California to 104 hours of community service and three years of informal probation after he was convicted of contempt for failing to pay the proper amount owed in child support.
Sleepwalking has been understudied and probably undertreated, a Stanford University sleep researcher says.
The San Francisco Bay murderer in the late 60's known as the Zodiac Killer may have finally been identified.
University of Georgia student Aimee Copeland is in critical condition after contracting flesh-eating bacteria during a zip lining accident in Georgia.
The Santa Clara County Coroner's Office ruled that 'Painter of Light' Thomas Kinkade died of accidental acute intoxication from alcohol and Valium, an anti-anxiety medication.