Barack Obama signing

Obama Signs Bill Extending Interest-Rate Relief For Student Loans

U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday signed into law a bill offering relief to millions of American college students. The measure will keep the interest rate for subsidized federal loans at 3.4 percent. The law will benefit about 7.4 million college students.

Ted Nugent: It Might Be Better If The South Won the Civil War

Ted Nugent
In his latest opinion piece for the Washington Times, Nugent blasts Chief Justice John Roberts for his vote legalizing the Affordable Care Act. It's a pretty standard piece for the right-wing rocker. Nugent calls Roberts a traitor, proclaims the end of liberty as we know it, and pretty much everything else you would expect from an angry right wing rant. Except there is one paragraph that sets it apart: Nugent apparently wishes that the South had won the Civil War.
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Malia And Sasha Obama Appear In Campaign Ads, Is President Obama Looking To Be Liked?

Despite efforts to hide his daughters from the media in the past, President Barack Obama has had a change of heart when it comes to using 11-year-old Sasha and 13-year-old Malia in campaign ads. The Obama girls have been making more public appearances while trailing their father in his bid for re-election, first in a Father's Day video and now an ad campaign in seven battleground states. But is the president looking to be liked?
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Obamacare 'Tax Increase' Debate Heats Up Sunday Morning News Shows

It's not a tax. It's a penalty. President Barack Obama's administration and its allies in Congress carpet-bombed the morning news talk show Sunday with those seven words, holding the line in a PR counter-offensive the White House has been engaging on since Friday.

Bobby Jindal Slips Up With 'Obamneycare'

Considered a front-runner as Mitt Romney's possible running mate, Bobby Jindal may have to put his vice presidential aspirations on hold because of a slip of the tongue. On Friday, the Republican governor of Louisiana misspoke and referred to the president's health-care plan as Obamneycare.
Obamacare 2

Sick Americans Relieved At High Court Health Ruling

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act led by President Barack Obama, people like 59-year-old freelance writer Gail Richardson could be eligible for insurance under an expanded Medicaid program for low-income earners now that the highest U.S. court has rejected a challenge to the law's constitutionality.


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