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Obama Refocuses Campaign on Economic Policy

Obama Born In Kenya? Rumor Resurfaces Via Brietbart.Com, Quickly Denied By Miriam Goderich

Was President Barack Obama born in Kenya? Conservative Web site has taken a stab at relighting the debate, after it found promotional booklet produced by a literary agency in 1991 that describes Obama as born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. However, an former employee for the agency chalked up the Kenya reference to nothing more than a mistake.
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Merkel Open To Measures To Revive Greece

German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared to soften her stand on Greece Wednesday night, saying she was ready to discuss stimulus programs to get the Greek economy growing again and that she was committed to keeping Greece in the euro zone.
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Tanorexic Mom, Take Note! Pregnant Snooki Stops Tanning For Health Of Her Baby

Snooki and the tanorexic mom, Patricia Krentcil, might have been compared in the media since both became famous for their infamous tans; however, these days, the two could not be more dissimilar. You are more likely to find Snooki attending Lamaze and parenting classes than hitting the tanning salon these days. The pregnant reality starlet revealed that she has given up tanning for the health of her baby.
Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian?s IMDB Bio Goes Viral, Author Calls Her ?Emblematic Of The Shallowness Of American Culture?

Kim Kardashian probably did not approve the bio written about her on IMDB, the world's most popular Internet movie database that compiles information related to movies, television programs, actors and more. But that did not stop author Jon C. Hopwood from typing out a snarky profile of Ms. Kardashian, revealing that he has a real talent for detailing the socio-economic patterns visible in Kardashian's talentless rise to fame in America as well as for sarcasm.
Lobby of JP Morgan Chase headquarters in Manhattan

FBI Investigating JPMorgan Chase: Report

The U.S. Justice Department has launched an investigation of a huge trading loss incurred by JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM), the Wall Street Journal said on Tuesday.


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