U.S. Looks for Links Between Kabul, Mumbai Attacks

Afghan policemen fire towards a building which the Taliban insurgents took over during an attack near the U.S. embassy in Kabul
U.S. agencies are looking into possible similarities between the Sept. 13 attacks on U.S. and NATO targets in Afghanistan, and the November 2008 attack by militants on civilian targets in Mumbai, India.
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Perry and Romney at Debate

Top 10 Quotes from Thursday Night's Republican Debate

Presidential debates are serious business, but they can also provide moments of hilarity. Thursday's Republican debate in Orlando, Fla., had plenty of both. Gary Johnson wins for the best quote of the night, but Mitt Romney had the most zingers, with four on the list.
U.S. President Obama holds a rally celebrating passage of the health insurance reform bill in Washington

Obama Says American Jobs can Help the World

U.S. President Barack Obama sought support for his job creation plan at a philanthropic summit on Wednesday, saying improving the prospects of the world's richest economy was good for the world.
repub debate

Republican Debate Live Blog: 9 Presidential Candidates Gather in Orlando

The Republican presidential candidates are debating once again Thursday night, this time in Orlando, Fla. The participants are Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. Stay on this page for live updates.
China's Premier Wen Jiabao delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of WEF meeting in Dalian

China's Manufacturing Slows as U.S., Europe Stall

China's manufacturing sector contracted for a third consecutive month in September while a measure of inflation picked up, suggesting the world's No.2 economy may not be able to provide much of a counterweight to flagging U.S. and European growth.
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China's manufacturing slows as U.S., Europe stall

China's manufacturing sector contracted for a third consecutive month in September while a measure of inflation picked up, suggesting the world's No.2 economy may not be able to provide much of a counterweight to flagging U.S. and European growth.
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NASA to Pay $1.6Bln for Space Taxis

NASA has unveiled plans of $1.6 billion to buy a complete range of spacecrafts, launchers, mission operations and ground support by the middle of the decade to transport astronauts to the International Space Station and low Earth orbit.


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