Syria on killing spree despite US warnings

Syrian security forces have again killed at least 34 protesters during a rally when activists tried to draw the country's Kurdish minority in the movement for political change.

Israeli rebuke of Obama exposes divide on Mideast

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bluntly told President Barack Obama on Friday his vision of how to achieve Middle East peace was unrealistic, exposing a deep divide that could doom any U.S. bid to revive peace talks.
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Obama, Netanyahu prepare to meet

In advance of his White House meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Friday, President Barack Obama laid bare his peace plan proposal between Israel and Palestine.

President Obama touts American values

Using a region in upheaval as the impetus behind his “Arab spring” speech, President Barack Obama saw to it that the world knew just what it is that America values.

Obama's 'Arab Spring' Incentives: Billions for Egypt, Tunisia

President Barack Obama promised to support democracy in nascent revolutions in the Middle East on Friday, saying he would push for billions of dollars in financial incentives for Egypt and Tunisia on Thursday in the wake of uprisings across the region in recent months.

Syria denounces US sanctions

The Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad has condemned sanctions imposed on the country by the President of the United States, according to Syrian state media, SANA.

Cornel West Calls Obama 'Black Mascot,' 'Black Puppet'

Cornel West, the Princeton Professor who strongly supported President Barack Obama on the campaign trail in 2008, has already previously expressed his disillusionment with what he says is the Obama administration's neglect of the poor and working class people in the United States while supporting the leaders of the nation's financial system.

US To Impose Sanctions on Syrian President Assad

The U.S. government will impose sanctions on Bashar al-Assad, the President of Syria, as well as six top Syrian government officials, over human rights abuses perpetrated over the past two months of unrest in that country, according to reports.


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