China to purchase 200 Boeing aircraft

Boeing 787 aircraft
The government of China government has placed an order for 200 Boeing planes, according to senior U.S. government officials, as part of a $45-billion export deal with China.
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Obama, Hu remarks at official arrival ceremony (FULL TEXT)

The following is the text released by the White House of remarks by U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao on the morning of January 19, 2011 at the South Lawn of the White House at the official arrival ceremony. Neither president took questions.
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U.S. executives to meet China's Hu in Washington

Chinese President Hu Jintao and President Barack Obama will meet with U.S. and Chinese business leaders at the White House on Wednesday to discuss ways to expand trade and investment opportunities, with the U.S. executives seeking deals to tap into China's economic growth.

Deals, yuan in focus as China's Hu visits U.S.

Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in the United States on Tuesday for a four-day state visit peppered by U.S. complaints about Beijing's currency policies but sweetened by some $8.5 billion in business deals.

Obama plans red tape cutting spree

As part of his ongoing efforts to cut red tape in government, President Barack Obama is asking all the agencies under his control to review any of the rules which place unreasonable burdens upon businesses and hinder economic growth.

Economy, Korea on agenda for Obama-Hu summit

U.S. President Barack Obama will host Chinese President Hu Jintao for a state visit on Tuesday in a crucial summit of the world's two biggest powers that some analysts have called the most important since Deng Xiaoping's visit 30 years ago.

China pushes back on renewed U.S. currency calls

Chinese President Hu Jintao on Tuesday flew to the United States for a state visit buffeted before he even lands by senior U.S. senators demanding tough action against China for manipulating its currency.

Spotlight is on Republican House leaders

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives returns to work tomorrow and the first thing on its agenda is repeal of the Obama administration's health care reform.

Remembering Martin Luther King Jr

As the United States observes the 25th Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, world has immemorial incidences of non-violence movements to look back to, which curbed exploitation and discrimination on the basis of race, caste, color, creed and more, prevalent in the then civil societies.

China's Hu upbeat, resists U.S. pressure on yuan

Chinese President Hu Jintao urged an end to a zero sum Cold War relationship with the United States and proposed new cooperation, but resisted U.S. arguments about why China should let its currency strengthen.

Cuba terms Obama measures positive but limited

Cuba said on Sunday that U.S. President Barack Obama's move to relax more U.S. travel restrictions to the island was a positive step but did little to soften the decades-old trade embargo.

Chinese president upbeat on eve of U.S. summit

Chinese President Hu Jintao will meet U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington this week for a summit. The two leaders are expected to discuss a wide range of issues including global trade and currency valuations.
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Dampening the U.S.-China fireworks

Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to Washington this week may be the calm after the storm when it comes to economic relations between the world's two biggest economies.

U.S.-China summit must deliver real results - Clinton

U.S.-China relations are at a critical juncture and a summit between their leaders next week must produce real action, on real issues such as trade, climate change and North Korean nuclear proliferation, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Friday.

U.S.-China summit must deliver real results: Clinton

U.S.-China relations are at a critical juncture and a summit between their leaders next week must produce real action, on real issues such as trade, climate change and North Korean nuclear proliferation, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Friday.
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Big U.S. companies take tax gripes to Geithner

Chief financial officers from U.S. multinational companies met with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Friday to air gripes about the tax code under which they pay the steepest rate in the industrialized world.
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Geithner: real yuan appreciation substantial

In a sign Washington will not press China too hard for more rapid appreciation of the yuan, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Friday the Chinese currency had already seen a substantial real rise.

Obama gets 31 million TV viewers in Tucson tribute

Some 31 million U.S. television viewers tuned in to see President Barack Obama lead a memorial tribute to victims of the deadly shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona, according to TV ratings provider Nielsen.


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