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Senate financial reform talks snag on watchdog

Bipartisan agreement in the Senate on financial reform hit a snag on how much power to give a consumer watchdog office being proposed by Democrats, with marathon talks resuming on Sunday.

Obama backs GOP-free health reform

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President Barack Obama said Saturday he is willing to enact health care industry reforms without the support of Republican lawmakers, two days after a televised summit in Washington brought together top politicians to discuss the issue.
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Obamas praise Rogers for 'People's House' work

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama on Friday commended resigning White House social secretary Desiree Rogers for working to make sure the White House was the People's House.
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White House social secretary Rogers to step down

White House social secretary Desiree Rogers, who faced criticism after a two uninvited guests attended a state dinner in November, will be resigning next month, she told Chicago Sun-Times columnist Lynn Sweet on Friday.
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Obama aides push back on venue for terrorism trials

The Obama administration bluntly urged the Congress on Thursday to steer clear of directing where terrorism suspects should be prosecuted, pushing back against efforts to require military rather than civilian trials.
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Obama rounds out deficit panel with Honeywell chief

President Barack Obama filled out his commission to tackle the U.S. deficit on Friday, appointing the head of Honeywell International and a former Federal Reserve vice president to the bipartisan panel.
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Congress extends Patriot Act, no new protections

Legislation to extend expiring provisions of the anti-terror USA Patriot Act won final congressional approval on Thursday, with Democrats unable to add additional civil liberties protections.
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Obama, Democrats ponder next healthcare moves

After a seven-hour healthcare summit that did little to change Republican hearts and minds, President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats face a challenge on Friday in deciding their next moves to reform the costly U.S. system.
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Deal on financial reform bill near in Senate

A bipartisan agreement on financial regulation reform was close at hand on Thursday in the Senate, with lawmakers working to overcome a key obstacle -- creating a new financial consumer watchdog.
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Dems, Republicans torn on health care expansion

President Barack Obama, Democratic and Republican members of Congress, finishing a long day of discussions on health care reform, remain far apart on the need to extend coverage to millions of U.S. residents, primarily because of the costs involved.
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Obama, Republicans clash at health summit

President Barack Obama and Republicans clashed frequently on Thursday at a summit on his stalled healthcare overhaul, battling over the size and cost of the proposal and moving no closer to a compromise agreement.
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W.House says committed to Volcker Rule on trading

The White House said on Thursday it was still committed to banning risky trading by banks under the so-called Volcker Rule, after Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke appeared to pour cold water on the idea.
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Obama sets 6-week limit to pass health reform

President Barack Obama has given Democrats and Republicans up to six weeks deliver a health care reform bill for his signature, before considering more aggressive measures, possibly reconciliation.
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Sen. Rockefeller attacks 'rapacious' health industry

Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia unleashed an attack on the health insurance industry and the need for more regulation on Thursday during a health summit of top politicians convened by President Barack Obama.


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