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Haiti aid picks up, doctors fear disease risk

The pace of food and medical aid deliveries picked up in earthquake-shattered Haiti, providing some hope to desperate survivors, but doctors worried disease would be the next big challenge for the tens of thousands left injured and homeless a week ago.

U.S. state votes in crucial election for Obama

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Massachusetts voters head to the polls on Tuesday in a cliff-hanger election for a new U.S. senator that could derail Democrats' dominance in Washington and scuttle their top priority of sweeping healthcare reform.
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Obama talks race on Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Barack Obama, marking his first Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as president of the United States, urged Americans on Monday to remember that the civil rights era is not ancient history.
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Iran says its nuclear rights must be recognized

Major powers will only achieve results in their meetings on Iran if they adopt a realistic approach and recognize its nuclear rights, the Islamic Republic's Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Sunday.
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Congress makes job creation top 2010 priority

Members of the U.S. Congress begin 2010 scrambling to reduce the double-digit U.S. jobless rate, knowing their own jobs will be at stake in the November election if they fail to deliver.
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Clinton flies to Haiti as quake victims await aid

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton flew to Haiti on Saturday carrying relief supplies as the U.S. poured in massive aid four days after the earthquake that local officials say killed up to 200,000.
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UK hopes to profit from bank rescue

The British government still hopes to make a profit from its multi-billion-pound rescue of major British banks during the financial crisis, Prime Minister Gordon Brown said on Saturday.
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Haiti says 200,000 may be dead, tensions rise

Tensions rose among desperate Haitians awaiting international aid and hunting for missing relatives on Saturday as aid began to trickle in four days after an earthquake that Haitian authorities say killed 200,000 people.
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Obama chides banks' audacity for fighting fee

President Barack Obama on Saturday slammed Wall Street's audacity for fighting a bailout fee he wants to slap on financial firms and said his Republican opponents had sided with big banks.
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Obama's bank tax may complicate Fed's exit strategy

President Barack Obama's proposal to charge big banks a fee to repay a taxpayer bailout for the financial system may create incentives that result in funding concerns for banks, according to one expert.
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Democrats push for healthcare agreement

Negotiators from the House of Representatives and Senate made solid progress in talks that stretched into the early morning on Friday, the White House said. Democrats hope to send the bill's major provisions to budget analysts within days.
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Europe hails but won't copy Obama bank fee plan

Europe's leading economies showed no sign on Friday of adopting U.S. President Barack Obama's proposal for a levy on banks to repay taxpayers for bailouts but vowed to press on with their own ideas to target the sector. The president of the Eurogroup of euro zone finance ministers, Jean-Claude Juncker, said Obama was right to propose the plan, which foresees Wall Street banks paying up to $117 b...
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Crisis tax threatens recovery for Europe banks

A crisis tax proposed by the Obama administration would cut substantially into bank earnings across Europe and could sidetrack the sector's recovery, analysts and industry officials said Friday.
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Democrats reach deal on Cadillac health tax

President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats scored a victory in healthcare talks on Thursday, winning labor union support for a revised tax on high-cost insurance plans and possibly clearing the way for a final agreement.
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House Democrat says healthcare deal very close

Congressional Democrats are very close to reaching final agreement on healthcare reform legislation and could have a deal in days, House of Representatives Democratic Leader Steny Hoyer said on Friday.
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Jobless rate to stay above 8 percent until 2012: CBO

The U.S. unemployment rate, currently at 10 percent, is unlikely to drop below 8 percent before 2012 unless Congress takes further steps to boost the economy in the short term, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said on Thursday.
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Financial crisis panel to call Greenspan, Cox

U.S. regulators admitted to failing to head off the 2008 financial crisis as they appeared before a panel whose chairman said he plans to seek testimony from former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.
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Obama proposes bank fee, slams Wall Street

President Barack Obama on Thursday proposed Wall Street banks pay up to $117 billion to reimburse taxpayers for the financial bailout, as he slammed bankers for their massive profits and obscene bonuses.
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Retail sales fall unexpectedly, jobless claims up

U.S. consumers unexpectedly curbed their Christmas spending in December and more people filed claims for jobless benefits last week, casting fresh doubts on the durability of the economic recovery once government support fades.
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Obama Pledges $100 Million in Aid to Haiti

President Barack Obama pledged $100 million for Haiti relief aid on Thursday and enlisted the help of two former U.S. presidents, promising Haitians: You will not be forsaken.
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U.S. financial crisis panel to call Greenspan, Cox

U.S. regulators admitted to failing to head off the 2008 financial crisis as they appeared before a panel whose chairman said he plans to seek testimony from former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.


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