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Obama reaches out to Islamist parties in Pakistan

U.S. President Barack Obama has started reaching out to some of Pakistan's most fervent Islamist and anti-American parties, including one that helped give rise to the Taliban, trying to improve Washington's image in the nuclear-armed state.

Banks switch one flawed pay system for another

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Banks are lowering bonuses to defuse popular outrage, but by curtailing employee incentives, compensation experts say the banks and the U.S. government are failing to fix practices that led to the financial crisis.

Netanyahu limits new projects in settlements

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has refrained from initiating new housing projects in Israeli settlements in the West Bank, hoping to reach common ground with Washington, a government minister said on Tuesday.
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Public insurance plan not essential: Sebelius

The government-run health insurance option favored by President Barack Obama is not essential to a healthcare overhaul as long as the final measure boosts competition, a top U.S. health official said on Sunday.
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Pakistan seeks U.S. backing for energy projects

Pakistan has told the United States it hopes to ease power shortages by renting electricity-generating plants over the next three to five years but wants Washington's backing in a longer-term upgrade and diversification of the country's antiquated power sector.
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Kelly Clarkson and LeBron James in

Singer Kelly Clarkson and basketball superstar LeBron James are teaming up with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and broadcaster Viacom for a TV special to encourage America's youth to
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Obama keeps heat on insurance firms

President Barack Obama said on Saturday U.S. healthcare worked better for insurance companies than for patients, as he pressed his case for a major overhaul that critics say is too expensive.
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Daily Wrap Up - August 14 Tech

Search market leader Google Inc holds greater loyalty among its users, who conduct more searches a month than those on Yahoo! and Microsoft, new data issued on Friday showed, posing a challenge for the new team of rivals to Google.
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11-year-old Damon Weaver interviews Obama (VIDEO)

Aspiring 11-year-old journalist, Damon Weaver, on Thursday interviewed President Barack Obama at the White House and asked questions ranging from education, nutrition and basketball to what it's like to be president.
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Obama westward bound with healthcare message

President Barack Obama is taking his healthcare reform message out west this weekend with two more public meetings seeking to overcome vociferous opposition to the $1 trillion overhaul scheme.
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Food giants say U.S. running out of sugar

Large U.S. food companies have been pushing the Obama administration to ease sugar import curbs, threatening higher consumer prices and possible job losses, citing forecasts for unprecedented sugar shortages.


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