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Congress slams agencies for slow stimulus spending

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday assailed federal agencies for delays in starting capital works projects under the economic stimulus plan, saying they were lessening the impact of the $875 billion program intended to revive the economy.

Gates' statement over beer summit (Full text)

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Henry Louis Gates, Jr., the Harvard eminent scholar issued a statement Thursday published on The Root where he serves as editor , regarding his sit down with Cambridge police Sergeant James Crowley and President Barack Obama. The following is the full text of Gates' statement:

Health reform gets House boost, Senate setback

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Democrats pushed healthcare reform legislation forward in a key House of Representatives panel on Friday but overall progress for President Barack Obama's top policy goal has slowed ahead of a monthlong August recess.
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Lawmakers eye clunkers program extension

Legislation that would add $2 billion to a cash-for-clunkers program aimed at spurring U.S. automobile sales could move quickly through the U.S. Congress, Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow said on Friday.
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U.S. healthcare plan suffers a Senate delay

President Barack Obama's drive for U.S. healthcare reform suffered another setback on Thursday when Senate Finance Committee leaders said the panel would not vote on a compromise plan before senators leave for a month-long August recess next week.
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Obama more bartender than mediator at beer summit

President Barack Obama played bartender-in-chief on Thursday at a beer summit of the main players in a racially charged case that he hoped would be a positive lesson in a national dialogue on race.
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Contractors wait for U.S. stimulus to create jobs

Conditions in the U.S. construction industry have improved since President Barack Obama signed the economic stimulus plan into law in February, but employment in the battered sector needs more help, an industry trade group said on Thursday.
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U.S. won't suspend auto clunkers program: official

The U.S. government will not suspend its $1 billion cash for clunkers auto sales incentive even though confirmed sales and pending transactions neared the limit of 250,000 vehicles much sooner than expected, an Obama administration official said on Thursday night.
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Watch Obama's 'beer summit' (video)

U.S. President Barack Obama, Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Cambridge Police Sergeant James Crowley sit down for a beer at 6 p.m. Thursday afternoon in the Rose Garden, White House.
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Obama 'Beer Summit' will have no American beer

At 6pm this evening President Barack Obama will have a somewhat different meeting on his agenda as he meets with the two men he joined last week at the center of an uproar over race in America for a few cold ones outside the president's oval office.
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Senate hits another snag on healthcare

With polls showing public support for President Barack Obama's healthcare reform waning, Senate negotiators hit another snag on Thursday when a key Finance Committee Republican said the panel would not be ready to vote until September.
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Co-ops in focus in U.S. healthcare debate

U.S. lawmakers debating a huge overhaul of the nation's healthcare system are increasingly focusing on proposals that healthcare cooperatives could be formed to help provide medical coverage.
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House Democrats clinch healthcare deal

Democrats broke a logjam in President Barack Obama's drive to revamp the costly healthcare system on Wednesday when a group of party conservatives accepted a compromise that allowed a reform bill to advance in the U.S. House of Representatives.
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Obama expects GM, Chrysler to repay loans

President Barack Obama said on Wednesday that General Motors Co and Chrysler Group were companies worth saving, but he expects both to repay their government loans.
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Obama vigorously defends economic policies

President Barack Obama launched a spirited defense of his economic policies on Wednesday, declaring that they had helped save the country from plunging into a depression.
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Lawmaker urges regulations for file-sharing

A senior U.S. lawmaker said on Wednesday that it may be time for the government to regulate companies that provide online file-sharing services after a number of people managed to access FBI files, medical records and Social Security numbers.


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