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Obama regrets remarks in racially charged case

President Barack Obama backed down on Friday from a statement that police had acted stupidly in arresting a black scholar in a racially charged case that was rapidly becoming a distraction for Obama.

Obama in unexpected appearance comments again on Gates issue

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President Barack Obama made an unexpected appearance at a White House news conference on Friday to say the media frenzy sparked after his comments on the arrest of African American Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. is a testimony that these are issues that still very sensitive in America.

Police stand by officer who arrested Gates

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Police union officials on Friday rallied around the white officer whose arrest of a prominent black scholar sparked a heated debate on race relations in the United States.
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Healthcare delay may complicate climate debate

The U.S. Senate's failure to hold to its early August deadline to pass a major healthcare bill could complicate another of President Barack Obama's top policy priorities: the fight against climate change.
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Obama struggling to win healthcare debate

President Barack Obama, normally a surefooted salesman, is struggling to convince Americans that the $1 trillion U.S. healthcare system overhaul he is pushing would be good for them.
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White House sees healthcare bill by year's end

Shrugging off delays in a divided Congress, President Barack Obama's administration on Friday said a sweeping healthcare overhaul would still be approved by year end to control costs and expand coverage.
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Obama concedes on healthcare reform bills

President Barack Obama conceded on Thursday that Congress will not meet his August deadline for passing healthcare reform bills, but said he wanted lawmakers to keep on working on the issue.
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Obama stirs racial passions in Harvard case

President Barack Obama plunged his presidency into a charged racial debate and set off a firestorm in one of America's most liberal bastions by siding with a black Harvard scholar who accuses police of racism.
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Senate misses healthcare August deadline

President Barack Obama's drive for healthcare reform suffered a setback on Thursday when Senate leaders said they would not be able to pass the measure before leaving for a monthlong August recess.
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Netanyahu says he seeks peace with Palestinians

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday Israel hoped to forge peace with the Palestinians, but sidestepped a controversy over Jewish settlement that has stalled a resumption of negotiations.
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Obama: Police acted stupidly arresting black scholar

President Barack Obama said on Wednesday police had acted stupidly in arresting a prominent black Harvard University scholar at his own home, weighing in on escalating debate over the treatment of minorities by U.S. law enforcement officers.
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Midday Minute July 23 – Finance

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) on Thursday announced that sales of existing homes in the U.S. rose for the third consecutive month in June, suggesting that the troubled housing market may be hitting bottom, private data showed Thursday. According to the NAR, existing home sales rose to an annualized rate of 4.89 million units which is above the 4.84 million units analysts were expecting. This is fueling hopes that housing and the overall economy is showing signs of recovery.
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Obama takes healthcare reform appeal to airwaves

President Barack Obama pressed his case for an overhaul of the U.S. healthcare on Wednesday in a nationally televised news conference. He also addressed concerns about the economy. Here are some quotes from the news conference:
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Obama targets U.S. middle class on healthcare

President Barack Obama used economic arguments on Wednesday to pitch healthcare reform to middle-class Americans but offered few new ideas to galvanize action from either skittish Democrats or a divided Congress.
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Prospects uncertain for Obama on healthcare

President Barack Obama's drive to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system faces uncertain prospects as lawmakers struggle to find agreement on cutting costs and funding the $1 trillion program. The outcome is at a critical juncture in the U.S. Congress. Here are some possible scenarios involving shortfalls in reaching his goals as planned:
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Obama says healthcare overhaul needed to curb deficits

President Barack Obama said on Wednesday a broad healthcare overhaul was critical to a U.S. economic recovery and urged Congress to take advantage of momentum behind the reform package, despite doubts about the plan even among fellow Democrats.
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Shortage of doctors could damage healthcare reform

A growing shortage of primary care doctors could place a major burden on the U.S. healthcare system if President Barack Obama succeeds in extending medical insurance to millions of Americans who currently lack it.
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House passes bill aimed at reducing deficit

A plan to bring the ballooning U.S. deficit under control passed the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday, requiring Congress to find savings to offset tax cuts or spending increases.
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Obama says recovery depends on healthcare

President Barack Obama said on Wednesday he realized Americans were skeptical about his healthcare overhaul, but that the country's economic recovery depended on implementing the $1 trillion plan.
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Obama says healthcare crucial for economy

U.S. President Barack Obama said on Wednesday a broad healthcare overhaul was critical to an economic recovery and promised to push a reform package through Congress this year despite growing doubts about the plan, even among fellow Democrats.


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