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Healthcare reform seen critical for rural U.S

Surrounded by corn fields and cattle, the people of southeast Kansas seem far from the Washington debate on reforming U.S. healthcare but many care deeply about the issue and hope that change can come.

No Cadillacs in U.S. healthcare reform proposals

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Some of the ideas proposed for U.S. healthcare reform could cost patients thousands of dollars a year out of their own pockets, and premiums could end up being too high, according to two reports.

Obama to make prime-time healthcare appeal

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U.S. President Barack Obama will plead his case for a broad healthcare overhaul in a prime-time news conference on Wednesday, with doubts growing about the plan even among his fellow Democrats and polls showing slipping public support.
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Delays drag as Obama financial reforms advance

The Obama administration's plan to form a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency, a central part of its bold regulatory reform agenda, sailed onto the shoals of congressional delay on Tuesday.
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Obama: Health plan closer than ever but needs work

President Barack Obama said on Tuesday U.S. healthcare reform was closer than ever but there was still work to do as his top policy initiative, already rejected by Republicans, ran into trouble with his own Democrats.
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U.S. says auto suppliers still need close monitoring

The bankruptcy restructurings of General Motors Corp and Chrysler LLC have improved credit market access for auto suppliers, but the sector is far from healthy and requires close government monitoring, an Obama administration official said on Tuesday.
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Obama concedes health plan needs work

President Barack Obama said on Tuesday the healthcare overhaul plan working its way through the U.S. Congress needs more work amid signs his top policy initiative, already rejected by Republicans, was running into deeper trouble with his own Democrats.
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Obama says healthcare bills need more work

President Barack Obama said in an interview aired on Tuesday that healthcare reform bills needed more work, but he was optimistic that the final legislation would drive down costs over the long-term.
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Small business seeks help in U.S. economic storm

U.S. small businesses say they feel slighted by the Obama administration and efforts to shore up the economy, with large companies taking much of the government's attention and stimulus cash.
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Obama hits out at Wall Street banks

President Barack Obama said on Monday that Wall Street banks had failed to show remorse for the wild risks that triggered a financial meltdown and helped to push the United States into recession.
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India and U.S. agree on defense pact

The United States and India said on Monday they had agreed on a defense pact that takes a major step toward allowing the sale of sophisticated U.S. arms to the South Asian nation as it modernizes its military.
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Tensions rise as Honduran crisis talks fail

Honduras' political rivals were on a collision course on Monday after negotiations collapsed and deposed President Manuel Zelaya vowed to return home despite warnings from a defiant de facto government.
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Netanyahu defies U.S. on East Jerusalem settlement

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying he would not take orders over Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem, rejected on Sunday a U.S. demand to halt plans to build more homes for Jews in the disputed area.
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Support for Obama on healthcare slips: poll

Public support for President Barack Obama's handling of healthcare reform, the pillar of his legislative agenda, has fallen below 50 percent for the first time, a Washington Post-ABC News poll released on Monday said.
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Legendary TV news anchor Walter Cronkite dies

Former CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite, whose authoritative delivery of news events from the John F. Kennedy assassination to the Apollo moon landing and Vietnam War, made him the most trusted man in America, died on Friday at age 92.
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Court nominee Sotomayor wins over 3 Republicans

Three Republican senators said Friday they will back President Barack Obama's choice of Sonia Sotomayor to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, setting the stage for a likely easy confirmation.
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Obama tries to regain momentum in healthcare debate

President Barack Obama appealed to Americans on Saturday to back his ambitious revamp of the U.S. health care system, seeking to regain momentum amid growing worries among lawmakers over how to pay for it.
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House launches investigation into CIA program

The House Intelligence Committee said on Friday it was launching a formal investigation into the concealment of a secret CIA program from Congress that one senator said was withheld on orders from former Vice President Dick Cheney.
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House panels pass health bill, critics slam cost

President Barack Obama's far-reaching plan to guarantee all Americans healthcare coverage faced trouble on Friday over its more than $1 trillion price tag, so Democrats looked for ways to reduce healthcare costs as they moved the bill forward.


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