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Treasury ready to twist arms over consumer agency

The Treasury Department is warning the financial services industry that it will not back down from its proposal to create a new consumer protection agency, even while lobbyists build a warchest and strategy to defeat the plan.

Media players plot survival in Sun Valley

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The global recession, shrinking advertising sales and fears that the Internet could render big media empires obsolete provide an ominous backdrop for executives at this week's Sun Valley conference.

GM to get final $20 billion in funding this year

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General Motors Corp has been given about a third of the bankruptcy financing promised by the U.S. Treasury and will get the remaining $20 billion over the remainder of the year, a senior U.S. official said on Monday.
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Reaction to U.S.-Russia summit

The following are analysts' comments on agreements reached on Monday between U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
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Media players plot survival at Sun Valley confab

The global recession, shrinking advertising sales and fears that the Internet could render big media empires obsolete provide an ominous backdrop for executives at this week's Sun Valley conference.
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British troops expand major Afghan operation

Hundreds of British troops have seized key canal crossings in a Taliban stronghold in southern Afghanistan, military officials said on Friday, part of a new U.S.-led operation to wrest the initiative from insurgents.
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Russia hopes Obama visit restores trust: Kremlin

Russia hopes next week's visit by U.S. President Barack Obama will help restore confidence between the two biggest nuclear powers, a Kremlin aide said on Friday, after strains over Georgia and a U.S. missile shield plan.
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Cost cutting in U.S. to drive BPO healthcare business

Outsourcing of healthcare services is expected to gain momentum as the prolonged slowdown forces U.S.-based government agencies and healthcare firms to cut spiraling costs and deal with a shortage in qualified personnel.
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Obama's climate leadership faces test at G8 forum

President Barack Obama, buoyed by a domestic victory on climate policy, faces his first foreign test on the issue next week at a forum that could boost the chances of reaching a U.N. global warming pact this year.
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Russians cool towards Obama visit

Adoring fans have flocked to see him on visits around the world, but Barack Obama should expect a far cooler reception in Russia next week.
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Iran demands EU apology before any nuclear talks

Iran, stung by European Union criticism of its handling of post-election unrest, on Wednesday accused the 27-nation bloc of meddling and demanded an apology before any more talks on Tehran's disputed nuclear program.
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OAS sends Honduras an ultimatum after coup

Honduras faced growing pressure to reinstate ousted President Manuel Zelaya on Wednesday after the Organization of American States set a 72-hour deadline to end a crisis triggered by a military coup.
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Plug-in autos charged overnight OK for grid

If plug-in hybrid vehicles proliferate as expected, utilities will be able to handle the added power demand without building new plants or straining transmission power grids as long as owners plug in overnight, the New York grid manager said in a report issued on Monday.
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Climate bill spurs less green power than hoped

The renewable energy mandate in the climate change bill approved by the House of Representatives last week does not go far enough for green power proponents, but the proposed national standard is likely as strong as it will get.
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Obama focuses on Senate after first climate win

President Barack Obama, fresh from his first legislative victory on climate policy, expressed confidence on Monday that new greenhouse gas emission limits would become law with help from the U.S. Senate.
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Madoff gets 150 years for massive investment fraud

Bernard Madoff was sentenced on Monday to 150 years in prison -- the maximum penalty the judge could give him for extraordinarily evil crimes in Wall Street's biggest and most brazen investment fraud.


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