Israel to build 50 new homes at W.Bank settlement

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Israel's Defense Ministry said Monday it had approved construction of 50 new homes at a West Bank settlement as part of a plan for 1,450 housing units, an expansion that defies a U.S. call for a settlement freeze.
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Honduras isolated over Zelaya ouster

Leftist Latin American leaders rallied around ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya on Monday and tried to thrash out a response to an army coup that sparked protests in the impoverished nation and drew worldwide condemnation.
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House passes landmark climate change bill

President Barack Obama scored a major victory on Friday when the House of Representatives passed legislation to slash industrial pollution that is blamed for global warming.
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Michael Jackson death still unsolved after autopsy

Doctors completed an autopsy on the body of Michael Jackson on Friday but said they could not immediately establish a cause of death for the King of Pop as speculation centered on his use of prescription painkillers.
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Cap and trade bill passes in U.S. after historic vote

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act also referred as the cap and trade bill, in a historic vote on Friday to advance climate legislation that President Barack Obama has promoted during his administration to put the country into a clean energy economy path.
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Pelosi voices optimism about 'cap and trade' vote

As President Obama announced Friday that climate change legislation as enormous progress in the U.S. Congress history, the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the 1,200-page environment and energy bill will pass following a successful test vote earlier on Friday.
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Climate change bill pending in House

The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on Friday on climate change legislation that is a high priority of President Barack Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress.
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Energy execs give climate bill grudging support

A grudging acceptance of the U.S. climate change bill among energy industry executives and some environmentalists only reinforces the notion that a compromise ensures nobody's really happy.
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Iran election violence outrageous, Obama says

President Barack Obama on Friday praised the bravery of Iranians who protested against a disputed election in the face of outrageous violence, while a hardline Iranian cleric called for the execution of leading rioters.
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Obama: Violence affects hope for dialogue with Iran

U.S. President Barack Obama said on Friday his hopes for a direct dialogue with Iran had been affected by what he described as the brutality of Tehran's outrageous crackdown on protesters in the aftermath of its disputed election.
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Obama, Germany's Merkel to air differences at meeting

U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will debate how to fix the global economy and fight climate change on Friday in a White House meeting that is likely to highlight a range of differences between the two leaders.
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AEP sees carbon capture from coal ready by 2015

Technology to capture carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants and store them underground will be ready by 2015 and could be in wide use in the United States by 2020, according to the top executive at American Electric Power Co Inc.
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House Democrats push for Friday climate vote

The U.S. House of Representatives is poised to vote on Friday on one of the most significant environmental bills in history -- a sprawling measure that aims to wean industry off of carbon-emitting fuels blamed for global warming.
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Cuba lags region in telecoms, Internet access

Communist Cuba may boast a doctor on every block and schools for all its children, but when it comes to telephones, computers and the Internet it lags behind other countries in the hemisphere, a government report showed on Thursday.
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U.S. pressing China Green Dam concern on all fronts

The United States still hopes it can persuade China to abandon, or at least delay, its plan to require controversial filtering software on new computers, despite growing trade friction over the issue, a U.S. trade official said on Thursday.
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Nominees emerge for U.S. panel on Wall Street meltdown

A bipartisan panel armed with subpoena power to investigate causes of the Wall Street meltdown is on the brink of being launched, as Congress embarks on an ambitious effort to reform policing of the financial sector.
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Nominees emerge for U.S. panel on Wall Street meltdown

A bipartisan panel armed with subpoena power to investigate causes of the Wall Street meltdown is on the brink of being launched, as Congress embarks on an ambitious effort to reform policing of the financial sector.
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Bernanke denies Fed threatened BofA over Merrill deal

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, facing his toughest grilling yet by U.S. lawmakers, said on Thursday he had never threatened to fire Bank of America's management if they pulled the plug on a planned merger with Merrill Lynch.
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U.S. sends arms to Somalia, rebels amputate limbs

Washington has sent weapons to Somalia's government after a green light from the U.N. Security Council to prevent rebels seen as a proxy for al Qaeda overrunning the Horn of Africa nation, sources said on Thursday.


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