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U.S. House looks for money for healthcare

The powerful tax-writing House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee aims to have proposals to raise revenue by Friday to help pay the trillion dollar tab expected to be needed for broad health reform, Chairman Charles Rangel said on Tuesday.

Obama, Lee warn North Korea brinkmanship won't work

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U.S. President Barack Obama and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak presented a united front to North Korea on Tuesday, saying Pyongyang must abandon its nuclear weapons program and will not be rewarded for provoking a crisis.

Obama to call for U.S. financial product watchdog

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President Barack Obama pledged on Tuesday to pursue major changes in U.S. financial regulation, but warned it will be a heavy lift politically with special interests already offering opposition.
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North Korea says jailed journalists bent on slander

North Korea said on Tuesday that two U.S. journalists it sentenced to 12 years of hard labor were trying to slander the state, giving its first detailed account of the case that worsened ties with the United States.
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Iran protesters plan more rallies after one killed

Iranians planned more protests on Tuesday against a presidential election they say was rigged but the focus of their anger, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, left the country to attend an international meeting.
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N. Korea worries overshadow trade as Obama, Lee meet

President Barack Obama and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak are expected to show a united front against North Korea when they meet on Tuesday, but they may not make much progress on free trade pact that has been stalled for two years.
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Obama troubled by Iran post-election violence

President Barack Obama said on Monday he was deeply troubled by post-election violence in Iran and urged the Islamic republic to investigate voting irregularities in a way that would not result in bloodshed.
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Merkel for talks with Obama on Iran, Middle East

Angela Merkel will meet U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington in late June for talks on Iran's presidential election, Middle East peace and next month's G8 summit, a spokesman for the German chancellor said on Monday.
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Obama faces dilemma over Iran's disputed election

The Obama administration faces a dilemma over how to respond to Iran's disputed election. Analysts say that strong criticism could backfire but a muted response leaves an impression of weakness.
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Germany pledges Zimbabwe 25 million euros in aid

Germany pledged 25 million euros in aid to Zimbabwe on Monday and Chancellor Angela Merkel said Berlin could provide more support if the poverty-stricken country undertakes more democratic reforms.
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U.S. and EU cautious on Netanyahu

Palestinians voiced dismay on Monday over terms Benjamin Netanyahu set for a peace deal but the Israeli leader won guarded approval in Washington and Brussels for at least accepting Palestinian statehood.
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Geithner says rebound will take time

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Monday the financial system was beginning to thaw but any renewed pick-up in the economy would likely be slower than usual.
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N.Korea atom test wastes disarmament potential: IAEA

A second nuclear test by North Korea has wasted a long-awaited chance for progress in global nuclear disarmament and rekindled a climate of confrontation, the head of the U.N. atomic watchdog said on Monday.
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Palestinian dismay, U.S. and EU praise for Netanyahu

Palestinians voiced dismay on Monday over terms Benjamin Netanyahu set for a peace accord but the Israeli prime minister won U.S. and European praise over his conditional acceptance of Palestinian statehood.
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CIA chief believes Cheney almost wants U.S. attacked

CIA director Leon Panetta says it's almost as if former vice president Dick Cheney would like to see another attack on the United States to prove he is right in criticizing President Barack Obama for abandoning the harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects.
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Biden casts doubt on Ahmadinejad's re-election

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Sunday cast doubt on the re-election of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, saying Tehran's actions against dissent suggest the results may not be clear-cut.
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U.S. special operations leader takes Afghan command

A veteran commander of top-secret special operations takes charge of the nearly 90,000 U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan Monday, promising to limit the civilian deaths that have cost Western troops Afghan support.
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Obama to lobby doctors on healthcare reforms

With Congress working to flesh out controversial elements of his healthcare reform plan, President Barack Obama will make his case for a public insurance program to the nation's doctors on Monday, seeking to overcome their resistance.
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Lula leads confident Brazil to new world role

When a former peanut vendor and radical union leader with little schooling became Brazil's president in 2003, many believed Latin America's underperforming giant had shot itself in the foot once again.
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Netanyahu bows to Obama, accepts Palestinian state

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded on Sunday to uncommon pressure from Washington by finally giving his endorsement -- with conditions -- to the establishment of a Palestinian state.
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Mousavi supporters plan rally in Tehran

Supporters of Iran's defeated presidential candidate plan a rally in Tehran on Monday to protest against the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which has sparked two days of violent demonstrations in the capital.
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Threats, violence seen eroding U.S. abortion rights

The patients are gone and so are the protesters. Once the site of daily anti-abortion picketing, the Kansas clinic run by murdered doctor George Tiller is busy only with workers shutting down the facility.


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