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Obama speeds projects to create, save 600,000 jobs

President Barack Obama said on Monday he expected to create or save 600,000 jobs over the next 100 days by expediting 10 major projects funded by a huge stimulus package that Congress passed in February.

North Korea jails U.S. journalists,warns U.N.

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North Korea, facing U.N. sanctions for last month's nuclear test, on Monday raised the stakes in its growing confrontation with Washington by sentencing two U.S. journalists to 12 years hard labor for grave crimes.

Netanyahu wants maximum understanding with U.S

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday he would strive for maximum understanding with Washington on peace issues but gave no sign he intends to bow to its demand to halt settlement expansion.
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U.S. healthcare revamp to require medical coverage

U.S. lawmakers plan far-reaching insurance market reforms, and would require that businesses and individuals purchase medical coverage as they seek to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system, an early draft of Senate legislation said on Saturday.
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Obama hopeful of Mideast peace progress this year

President Barack Obama expressed hope on Friday of making serious progress this year in Middle East peacemaking and said Israelis and Palestinians had to get serious about making tough compromises.
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U.S. hopes Iran vote will end holding pattern

Whatever the outcome of Iran's June 12 presidential election, the Obama administration hopes Tehran will then end months of stalling and respond to Washington's overtures for better relations.
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Obama seeks to change Muslim perceptions of U.S.

President Barack Obama sought to change Muslim perceptions of the United States on Thursday in a speech that urged Arabs and Israelis to declare in public the realities he said they accept in private.
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U.S. Energy secretary: 'I am a Nerd'

Energy Secretary Steven Chu addressed the community of Harvard University on Thursday for a commencement speech humorously calling himself a nerd.
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Obama urges laggards get ready for digital TV

President Barack Obama warned Americans on Thursday who have not prepared for the June 12 transition to digital television that their TVs could go dark if they do not get a converter box soon.
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Obama cranks up financial reform drive

The Obama administration stepped up its push for tougher bank and financial firm rules on Thursday, scheduling a briefing for lobbyists, with a focus on insurance oversight, and sending a top regulator to a Senate hearing to discuss plans for regulating derivatives markets.
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Obama seeks new beginning in ties with Muslims

President Barack Obama called for a new beginning in relations between the United States and the Muslim world Thursday, addressing grievances over the Arab-Israeli conflict, two U.S.-led wars and tensions over Iran.
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Obama Cairo Speech transcript

President Barack Obama called for a new beginning between the United States and Muslims Thursday, in a speech delivered at Cairo University.
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U.S. House puts climate bill on quick pace for passage

Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives have put major environmental legislation on a fast-track, boosting chances a climate change bill will pass this month or next, leading lawmakers said on Wednesday.
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Obama says insurance mandates must excuse poor

President Barack Obama told Congress on Wednesday that any requirement for mandatory health insurance in a proposed overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system should allow exemptions for the poor and for small businesses.
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Companies not disclosing climate risks: studies

Most global industrial companies that emit a lot of greenhouse gases are not adequately detailing their climate strategies in U.S. financial filings, two studies by environmental and investment groups showed on Wednesday.
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Bernanke sees recession ending soon; warns on debt

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke sounded a cautiously upbeat note on the U.S. economy on Wednesday but warned that corralling government debt was vital to ensuring the nation's long-term health.


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