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Landlord of last resort ponders eventual open house

If Federal Reserve officials think U.S. homeowners are having a tough time selling into a depressed market, just wait until they try to offload the mother of all jumbo mortgages: a $366 billion portfolio of real estate bonds that continues to grow.

Freed reporter Saberi arrives in Austria from Iran

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U.S.-born journalist Roxana Saberi arrived in Austria on Friday from Iran after authorities there freed her from a Tehran prison and quashed her eight-year sentence for spying in a diplomatically fraught case.
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Obama says U.S. can't keep borrowing from China

President Barack Obama raised the prospect on Thursday that China and other nations could stop buying U.S. debt and said the United States needed to tackle its deficit to avoid long-term economic damage.
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Thousands cross lagoon to flee Sri Lanka fighting

Thousands of civilians under rebel fire waded across a lagoon to escape Sri Lanka's war zone, where government forces have surrounded Tamil Tiger separatists for the final battle of a 25-year conflict, the military and a U.N. official said.
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U.N. rights chief urges Obama to prosecute torturers

The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights on Thursday welcomed the election of the United States to the top United Nations rights forum and urged it to prosecute those accused of torture and other abuses.
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Obama weighs wide range of candidates for court

U.S. President Barack Obama sought advice from congressional leaders on Wednesday as he pondered a broad group of candidates for a Supreme Court opening ranging from judges to a member of his Cabinet.
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China says U.S. currency bill tempts protectionism

China rejected claims it has manipulated yuan exchange rate policies to tilt trade flows against the United States, saying on Thursday that proposed legislation before the U.S. Congress could stoke protectionism.
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Obama opposes detainee abuse photo release

In a reversal, President Barack Obama objected on Wednesday to the release of dozens of photographs showing the abuse of terrorism suspects, fearing the pictures could trigger a backlash against U.S. troops.
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U.S. likely to feel pressure to move on Intel

Now that European, South Korean and Japanese authorities have moved against chip giant Intel Corp for breaking antitrust laws, the question is: Are U.S. officials feeling pressure to take action, too?
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U.S. urges emerging powers to open markets

Big emerging countries like China, India, Brazil and South Africa must do more to open their markets to secure a new global trade deal, the U.S. trade chief said on Wednesday.
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Pope presses call for Palestinian state

Pope Benedict witnessed the watchtowers and high walls that seal Bethlehem off from Jerusalem on Wednesday as he entered the Israeli-occupied West Bank and pressed his call for a Palestinian state.
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Chrysler to cut dealers by 800

Eight hundred of Chrysler’s 2,400 dealers will be dropped and finance agreements will be renegotiated according to dealers who participated in a conference call with a lawyer, the Detroit Free Press reported.
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Obama to push Israelis, Palestinians on peace

U.S. President Barack Obama will urge Palestinian, Israeli and Egyptian leaders to take the steps necessary to achieve peace in the Middle East when they visit Washington this month, the White House said on Tuesday.
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Pentagon replaces top Afghanistan commander

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Monday replaced the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan and picked a former special forces commander to oversee President Barack Obama's military strategy against a growing Taliban insurgency.


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