Obama offers new start with Iran

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President Barack Obama issued an unprecedented videotaped appeal to Iran on Friday offering a new beginning of diplomatic engagement to turn the page on decades of U.S. policy toward America's longtime foe.

House passes tax to recoup most of AIG bonuses

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The U.S. House of Representatives swiftly passed a bill on Thursday to recoup controversial bonuses paid to American International Group Inc as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner tried to calm the furor by taking responsibility.
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Obama grappling with AIG bonus fallout

President Barack Obama is grappling with the AIG bonus furor by both accepting responsibility for the government's failure to head off the payments and blaming it on the big mess he inherited.
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AIG CEO defends bonuses as public fury mounts

The head of AIG said on Wednesday the cold realities of competition compelled the insurer to pay $165 million in bonuses, and acknowledged that bailout-weary Americans' patience was running thin.
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U.S. to claw back AIG bonuses, lawmakers eye tax

The Obama administration turned up the heat on AIG on Tuesday over its employee bonuses, saying the embattled insurer will be forced to repay U.S. taxpayers before it gets another bailout of $30 billion.
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Paulson renews financial rules reform push in FT

Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson called for an overhaul of financial regulation in an article in the Financial Times on Tuesday, largely reiterating a plan he proposed in March 2008.
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Outraged Congress eyes tax on AIG bonuses

Outraged U.S. lawmakers proposed a special surtax on Tuesday on millions of dollars in executive bonuses at bailed-out insurer American International Group Inc amid howls of protest over the payouts.
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Grassley to AIG execs: Resign or commit suicide

A prominent U.S. senator has intimated that executives of the troubled insurer American International Group Inc might consider suicide, adopting what he called a Japanese approach to taking responsibility for their actions.
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GM bondholders: Our plan best chance for automaker

Advisers to bondholders of General Motors Corp said on Monday they have presented a framework plan to President Barack Obama's autos task force and the ailing No. 1 U.S. automaker that provides the company's best chance for an out-of-court restructuring.
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Obama wants AIG bonuses blocked

President Barack Obama voiced outrage on Monday over large bonus payments awarded to top employees of insurer AIG and ordered his treasury secretary to legally block them if possible.
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Obama blasts AIG 'Greed,' Renews Drive to Block Bonuses

President Barack Obama is renewing pressure within his administration to find legal ways to block $165 million in bonus payments to American International Group employees after the government determined last week that the giant insurer was legally bound to give retention pay to workers.
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U.S. unveils steps to aid small businesses

President Barack Obama moved to boost U.S. job creation on Monday by making it easier for small business owners to borrow money and by spending up to $15 billion to ensure credit is available for small business loans.
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E-prescribing to soar with new spending: study

As many as 75 percent of U.S. doctors will be writing electronic prescriptions within five years, thanks to new federal spending to encourage e-prescribing, according to a forecast released on Monday.
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What is the Deficit Endgame?

No one yet has any real idea about when the global financial crisis will end, but one thing is certain: government budget deficits are headed into the stratosphere. Investors in the coming years will need to be persuaded to hold mountains of new debt.
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E-prescribing to soar with new spending

As many as 75 percent of U.S. doctors will be writing electronic prescriptions within five years, thanks to new federal spending to encourage e-prescribing, according to a forecast released on Monday.
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Small businesses get loan help as job creation eyed

President Barack Obama moved to boost U.S. job creation on Monday by making it easier for small business owners to borrow money and by spending up to $15 billion to ensure credit is available for small business loans.
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Obama outraged over AIG bonus payments

President Barack Obama voiced outrage on Monday over large bonus payments awarded to top employees of insurer AIG and ordered his treasury secretary to legally block them if possible.
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Obama unveils steps to aid small businesses

President Barack Obama moved to boost U.S. job creation on Monday by making it easier for small business owners to borrow money and by spending up to $15 billion to ensure credit is available for small business loans.
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Obama expresses outrage over AIG bonus payments

President Barack Obama expressed outrage on Monday over hefty bonus payments awarded to employees of insurer AIG and said he directed his treasury secretary to take all legal measures to block them.
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AIG payments to banks stoke bailout rage

Goldman Sachs Group Inc and a parade of European banks were the major beneficiaries of $93 billion in payments from AIG -- more than half of the U.S. taxpayer money spent to rescue the massive insurer.


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