Speeding universe work wins Nobel

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The astounding discovery that the expansion of the universe is speeding up won the Nobel physics prize on Tuesday for three astronomers whose observations of exploding stars transformed our view of the world, and of how it may end.

Michael Lewis Sees Messy End for Greece

High-school students clash with riot police during a protest march against economic austerity and planned education reforms in Athens
Greece will default on its debts, Ireland could too and Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will be forced out as Europe's financial crisis plays out, author Michael Lewis predicted on Tuesday.
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CEO Cook kicks off Apple's next act

The launch of Apple Inc's (AAPL.O) iPhone 4S showed just how much fans miss the showmanship of Steve Jobs. But it also gave observers a hint as to how new helmsman Tim Cook might prefer to do things.
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California Governor Jerry Brown Prevents Ban on Male Circumcision

California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill preventing local authorities from banning the practice of male circumcision. The bill, which takes effect immediately, comes in the wake of an effort by a San Francisco group opposed to male circumcision to enforce a city-wide ban of the practice in a November ballot measure.
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Yellowstone euthanizes grizzly linked to two fatalities

A mother grizzly previously allowed to roam free after killing a hiker in Yellowstone National Park in July has been euthanized after being linked to a second fatal bear mauling in August, park officials said on Monday.
Brian Schmidt

Faster expanding universe work wins physics Nobel

The astounding discovery that the expansion of the universe is speeding up won the Nobel physics prize on Tuesday for three astronomers whose observations of exploding stars transformed our view of the world, and of how it may end.
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Late harvest could yield superior U.S. wines

Despite a late harvest in the Sonoma region of California and heavy rains that tore through vineyards, California wine makers expect this year's grapes to yield superior wines.
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Apple iPhone 5 Release: Samsung Getting Ready with Legal Weapons

Only a couple of hours left for Apple Inc.'s Let's talk iPhone event where the company is expected to launch its most awaited iPhone 5 and a cheaper version of iPhone 4 (iPhone 4S). But it doesn't appear to be a smooth sail for iPhone 5 in Korea since Samsung is getting ready with all the legal weapons it has got to block iPhone 5 sales in that country.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Gets Release Date Alongside Apple iPad 3 ‘Leak’

Apple Rejects Samsung Offer; Legal Battle on Patents Continues

South Korea-based Samsung Electronics Co.'s hopes of launching its Galaxy range of tablet computers in Australia, for the Christmas holiday season, suffered a big blow on Tuesday, when rivals, California-based Apple Inc. refused its offer to settle the legal dispute on tablet technology.


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